Tessa Lauren Carver
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
The IceCube detector has observed the first clear detection of a diffuse astrophysical high energy neutrino flux, and it is seeing evidence of the first point source, a flaring AGN. IceCube neutrino source searches involve looking for clustering of neutrinos or a strong correlation with known sources observed by other messengers which are also expected to emit a neutrino flux. The most recent updates will be presented in the search for sources of extraterrestrial neutrinos using an optimized data set of tracks with 10 years of data. Results on the evidence of correlation between a flaring source using time-dependent studies will also be shown.
Tessa Lauren Carver
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
Teresa Montaruli
(Universite de Geneve (CH))