After my studies at ETH and a PhD in semiconductor spintronics at IBM Research I decided to do something that had a more immediate impact on people's lives. I first worked for Sensirion and then moved to Davos to work in snow and avalanche research. I learned about the problems and challenges in this field and founded the company Geopraevent in 2012. Geopraevent offers services improving the...
I will present on the opportunity to adapt the chosen career path and to benefit from the experience in various areas, namely research, business and intellectual property (IP) law. After studying physics in Bochum and Brighton, I did a joint French-German PhD in physics. Then, I have worked for five years at IBM Zurich Research Lab. My research brought me into contact with IBM’s patent...
The nuclear power plant Gösgen produces 8 billion kWh of electrical energy, steam and radioisotopes for cancer diagnostics and therapy. As a part of the energy strategy 2050, major investments are taken for long term operation until renewa¬ble produc¬tion capacity is build up. This also includes for example research projects to license nuclear fuel with enhanced accident tolerance. In contrast...
After studying physics at ETHZ I had the opportunity to do my PhD at IBM Research Lab in Rüschlikon. In addition, I achieved my diploma in teaching physics. Subsequently, I worked for 3 years in industry before starting as a physics teacher at the Gymnasium and now being able to teach as well mathematics. I will present on the opportunity to adapt the chosen career path and to benefit from the...
Liability risks are difficult to predict because of their long-tail nature and their susceptibility to legal, societal, economic, and technological changes. Modeling liability catastrophes is especially challenging, as there is limited experience and new risks keep emerging. The industry therefore cannot rely on historic loss data only.
By reflecting structured cause-effect chains,...
At the end of the studies each of us is confronted with the ultimate decision: academic career or industry? The path may lie somewhere in between the two. After my studies on Raman scattering in high-temperature superconductors, I decided to get closer to “real-word problems” and started my career in industry. Beginning as R&D project manager, I worked in different fields, from the design of...
Christian Bosshard, Vicepresident Center Muttenz, is managing the development of light structures, printed electronics and integration technologies for applications in solid state lighting, sensors (for life sciences), medical devices and optoelectronics in general. He received his degree in Physics (1986) and his doctorate (1991, Silver medal award) from ETH. In 2001, he joined CSEM to build...
Cantilever-based measurement techniques have proven to be powerful tools for Nanotechnology. We will discuss two examples from our current R&D. First, we track the mass of a single cell with high precision in physiological conditions, while simultaneously conducting optical microscopy in order to link cell mass dynamics to cell morphology and state. Second, by using a different approach, we...
After an apprenticeship as a mechanical draftsman, Eugen Voit studied Physics at ETH Zürich. After his PhD in Nonlinear Optics he joined industry in 1988. Starting on the R-side of R&D he served in many functions over his active 30 years. For more than 10 years he was the Chief Technology Officer of Leica Geosystems AG in Heerbrugg. He always kept close contact with academia and holds a...
My scientific career started with theoretical particle physics and became increasingly more applied: Following my experimental PhD focussing on quantum electronics at the ETH Zurich, I started industrial R&D in the “Applied Physics Group” at ABB Corporate Resarch. Here, I deal with a variety of topics including thermal management, electrical properties of polymers, multi-energy systems, and...