19–23 May 2019
Europe/Madrid timezone

The Sanford Underground Research Facility

Not scheduled


Jaret Heise (SURF)


J. Heise
Sanford Underground Research Facility
Lead, SD 57754
Corresponding author email: jaret@sanfordlab.org
Building on rich legacies in both mining and transformational physics
research, the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) has been operating
for over a decade as a facility dedicated to supporting underground research in
rare-process physics, as well as offering research opportunities in other disciplines
such as biology, geology and engineering. SURF laboratory facilities include a
Surface Campus with recently upgraded capabilities as well as two main
campuses at the 4850-foot level (4300 m.w.e.) – the Davis Campus and the Ross
Campus – that host a range of significant physics experiments: the LUX-ZEPLIN
(LZ) dark matter experiment, the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR neutrinoless
double-beta decay experiment and the CASPAR nuclear astrophysics accelerator.
Furthermore, the BHUC laboratory dedicated to critical material assays for
current and future experiments has been operating since Fall 2015. Plans to
accommodate the Fermilab-led international Deep Underground Neutrino
Experiment (DUNE) at the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) are well
advanced, and initial construction has commenced. SURF is a dedicated research
facility with significant expansion capability, and applications from other
experiments are welcome.

Primary author

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