19–23 May 2019
Europe/Madrid timezone

Low-Background Techniques Applied within the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR Experiment

Not scheduled


Vincente Guiseppe (University of South Carolina)


The MAJORANA Collaboration is searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay in Ge-76 with an array of p-type, point-contact Ge detectors. The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR is comprised of 44 kg (30 kg enriched in Ge-76) of Ge detectors split between two modules contained in a low background passive and active shield at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota. Our latest results from a modest 26 kg-yr of exposure set a half-life lower limit of 2.7x10^25 yr (90% C.L) owing to an unprecedented energy resolution of 2.5 keV FWHM and a background rate of 12 cts/(FWHM t yr) at the double-beta decay Q value of 2039 keV. The ultra-low background rate achieved in the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR relied on careful material selection, development of improved cleanliness protocols and cleaning procedures, and the strength of the Ge detector pulse-shape analysis routines. A description of the low radioactivity techniques applied, progress towards modeling the extremely low measured backgrounds, along with the overall physics potential of the MAJORANA program will be presented.

Primary author

Vincente Guiseppe (University of South Carolina)

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