5–6 Nov 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.


Accommodation in and around CERN can be difficult to arrange. The CERN hostel has rooms for persons coming from research institutes, reservations can be made via this webpage:

https://edh.cern.ch/Hostel/Home or via the following E-mail: cern.hostel@cern.ch

For other visitors, more information on hotels in the area can be found here:


We suggest you to pick a hotel close CERN, or to the tram line nr 18 ( to CERN) which stops outside the CERN reception (building 33) http://home.web.cern.ch/directions.

Some of the hotels close to CERN that we can recommend:

The Cointrin airport is a taxi journey from CERN (around 35 CHF). All of the hotels mentioned above have a shuttle service to and from the airport (and CERN).