22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

Charm Physics at SuperB

24 Jul 2010, 09:30
Salle 253

Salle 253

Parallel Session Talk 05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory) 05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)


Prof. Brian Meadows (University of Cincinnati)


The study of Charm Decays at SuperB provide unique opportunities to understand the Standard Model and constrain new physics, both at the Y(4S), and at charm threshold. We discuss the physics potential of such measurements from the proposed SuperB experiment with 75 ab-1 of data at the Y(4S) and a subsequent run dedicated to exploiting quantum correlations at the charm threshold.


Adrian Bevan (Queen Mary University London) Prof. Brian Meadows (University of Cincinnati)

Presentation materials