05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
- Emi Kou (LAL/IN2P3)
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
- Changzheng YUAN (IHEP, Beijing)
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
- Alex Bondar (Budker Institute for Nuclear Physics (INP))
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
- Marjorie Corcoran (Rice University)
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
- Marjorie Corcoran (Rice University)
Pierre Artoisenet
(The Ohio State University)
7/22/10, 9:00โฏAM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
In this talk, I will present recent progress on quarkonium production within NonRelativistic QCD. I will first give a brief introduction of the framework, and discuss the still open questions. I will emphasize the impact of the QCD corrections to several observables, including the pT spectrum and the polarization of J/ฯ and ฮฅ states produced in hadron collisions. After comparing up-to-date...
Chaehyun Yu
7/22/10, 9:15โฏAM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
We study the production of two S-wave heavy quarkona at the LHC in the framework of nonrelativistic QCD. We consider the double quarkonium production of same flavour, J/ฯ+J/ฯ or ฮฅ+ฮฅ as well as that of different flavour, J/ฯ+ฮฅ. We calculate the short-distance coefficients in the colour-octet model completely for the first time. Our results for the differential cross section for the J/ฯ+J/ฯ or...
Giovanni Passaleva
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) - Florence)
7/22/10, 9:30โฏAM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
Despite large experimental and theoretical efforts, the production rate and polarization of quarkonia states in hadronic collisions is not yet satisfactorily understood. With its first ~10 pbโ1 of data, LHCb will be able to provide fresh measurements of the prompt and non-prompt J/ฯ production cross sections, at the new center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV and in a unique range of rapidity (3 < y <...
Nuno Leonardo
7/22/10, 9:45โฏAM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
We present the first measurements of the J/ฯ and ฮฅ production cross sections in proton-proton collisions at 7 TeV, as measured by the CMS experiment using the dimuon decay channel. For the J/ฯ we give the inclusive and the prompt differential cross sections, versus transverse momentum, as well as the beauty fraction, statistically separating the two contributions through a fit to the lifetime...
Giuseppe Bruno
(University and INFN, Bari, Italy)
7/22/10, 10:00โฏAM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
In this Conference contribution, we summarize the status of the ongoing analysis on J/ฯ production at central rapidity in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV and show the first results. We also give perspectives on the first quarkonium measurements at central rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions which are scheduled by the end of this year.
Joseph Michael Izen
(University of Texas at Dallas)
7/22/10, 10:15โฏAM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
A search for charmonium and other new states is performed in a study of exclusive initial-state-radiation production of Ds+Ds-, Ds*+Ds-, and Ds*+Ds*- events from electron-positron annihilations at a center-of-mass energy of 10.58 GeV. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 525 fb-1 recorded by the BaBar experiment at the PEP-II storage ring. We also study the decay width...
Matthias Steinhauser
7/22/10, 11:00โฏAM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
The three-loop corrections to the static potential between a quark and its anti-quark are considered. It constitutes a building block for a number of physical observables connected to heavy quarks. We describe the evaluation of the occurring integrals and discuss the phenomenological implications.
LI Gang
7/22/10, 11:15โฏAM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
We present the measurements of charmonium P-wave spin-singlet state h_c made with 106M ฯ' events collected by BESIII at BEPCII. Clear signals are observed for ฯ'->ฯ0 h_c with and without the subsequent radiative decay h_c->ฮณ ฮท_c. First measurements of the absolute branching ratios Br(ฯ'->ฯ0 h_c) = (8.4 ยฑ 1.3 ยฑ 1.0)*10-4 and Br(h_c->ฮณ ฮท_c) = (54.3 ยฑ 6.7 ยฑ 5.2)% are also presented. A...
Ronggang Ping
7/22/10, 11:30โฏAM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
With the high luminosity of electron-positron storage ring at BEPCII and excellent performance of the BESIII spectrometer, BESIII accumulated about 100 million ฯ(2S) data. With the help of these high statistics and high quality data, the radiative decays of ฯ(2S) into light meson P(P = ฯ0, ฮท, ฮท'), and ฯcJ radiative decays to vector meson V (V = ฯ, ฯ, ฯ) , together with ฯcJ decays into...
Korneliy Todyshev
7/22/10, 11:45โฏAM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
We present a measurement of the mass, total width and leptonic width of the ฯ(3770) meson. Results were obtained using data collected at the ฯ(3770) resonance with the KEDR detector at the electron-positron accelerator complex VEPP-4M.
The commonly used fitting procedure does not contain interference ฯ(3770) resonance and non-resonant DDbar cross section.
In our analysis we used a...
Bryan Fulsom
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
7/22/10, 12:00โฏPM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
We present recent results on quarkonium states from the Babar experiment. We have observed the Y(^3 1 D_J) state of bottomonium in the reaction Y(3S)->ฮณ ฮณ Y(^3 1D_J), ฮณ(^3 1 D_J)->ฯ ฯ Y(1S) with a significance of 6.2 standard deviations.
We present a study of the decay Y(1S)->D+* + X produced in the decay Y(2S)->ฯ+ ฯ- Y(1S) using a sample of 98.6 million Y(2S) events. We measure the...
Jean-Philippe Lansberg
(Ecole polytechnique)
7/22/10, 12:15โฏPM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
I will discuss the impact of QCD corrections (up to alpha_s^5) to quarkonium production at high energies and the introduction of new observables meant to better discriminate between the different mechanisms at work in quarkonium production at the LHC.
Juan Pablo Fernandez
7/22/10, 2:00โฏPM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
We report new, world-leading measurements of b-hadron lifetimes and their ratios using B+->J/ฯ K+ , B0->J/ฯ K0*, B0->J/ฯ K0s and ฮb->J/ฯ ฮ, decays reconstructed in a data sample corresponding to 4.3 fb-1 collected by the CDF experiment. A detailed resolution model provides improved systematic uncertainties on the lifetimes, and determination of the b hadron decay-length using only the J/ฯ...
Olga Norniella
7/22/10, 2:15โฏPM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
We present new measurements of suppressed decays of the B0s meson to J/ฯ final states at CDF. Using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5 fb-1 of proton-antiproton collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV, we utilize a low transverse-momentum dimuon trigger to acquire a large sample of J/ฯ->ยต+ยต- decays. We form fully reconstructed B0s candidates using information from the...
Jean Wicht
7/22/10, 2:30โฏPM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
We present a measurement of the branching fraction for the CP eigenstate decay Bs->J/ฯ f0(980). The result is based on 23.6 fb-1 of data collected at the Y(5S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric e+e- collider. We have also searched for Bs0->hh decays, where h stands for a charged or neutral kaon, or a charged pion. We observe the decay Bs0->K+K- and measure its branching...
Sevda Esen
(University of Cincinnati)
7/22/10, 2:45โฏPM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
The large data sample being recorded with the Belle detector at the Y(5S) energy provides a unique opportunity to study the poorly-known Bs meson decays. Following our recent measurement of Bs->Ds ฯ in a sample of 23.6 fb-1, we extend the analysis to include decays with photons in the final state. Using the same sample, we report the first observation of three other dominant exclusive Bs...
Vincent Poireau
7/22/10, 3:00โฏPM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
We present a measurement of the branching fractions of the 22 decay channels B0 and B+ to Dbar^(*) D^(*) K, where Dbar^(*) and D^(*) are fully reconstructed. The B0 and B+ mesons are reconstructed in a sample of hadronic events for all the possible Dbar D K modes, namely B0 -> D^(*)- D^(*)0 K^+, D^(*)-D^(*)+ K^0, Dbar^(*)0 D^(*)0 K0 and B^+ -> Dbar^(*)0 D^(*)+ K0, Dbar^(*)0 D^(*)0 K+, D^(*)-...
Thomas Hartmann
(University of Rostock)
7/22/10, 3:15โฏPM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
In a sample of 467 million BBbar pairs collected with the BaBar detector at the PEP-II collider at SLAC we have observed the decay B0bar->ฮc+ pbar ฯ0 and measured its branching fraction. We determine an upper limit for the branching fraction of the decay B0bar->ฮc+(2455) pbar and observe an enhancement at the threshold of the invariant mass of the baryon-antibaryon pair.
We also report the...
Dmitri Melikhov
7/22/10, 4:15โฏPM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
We study the decay constants of D, Ds, B, Bs mesons with Borel QCD sum rules, making use of the recent modifications related to the Borel-parameter-dependent effective continuum threshold. For the fixed values of the QCD parameters, our modifications are shown to lead to a visible shift of the extracted value of the decay constant compared to the standard analysis based on a...
Nicolas Garron
(University of Edinburgh)
7/22/10, 4:30โฏPM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
We present our strategy to compute the b-quark mass and the heavy-strange decay constant, in heavy quark effective theory including 1/m corrections. By matching the effective theory and QCD in a small volume, one can determine non-perturbatively the bare parameters of the HQET Lagrangian and those of the heavy-light currents. The static, kinetic and magnetic energy of the heavy-light meson...
Leonard Lesniak
(H. Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Krakow, Poland)
7/22/10, 4:45โฏPM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
The two-pion effective mass and helicity angle distributions in the charged B-meson decays into three charged pions are studied. The weak decay amplitudes are calculated in the QCD factorization framework. The final state interactions between the produced pairs of pions are described using strong pion-pion scalar and vector form factors. The scalar form factors are constrained by ...
Igor Gorelov
(Univ. of New Mexico, USA.)
7/22/10, 5:00โฏPM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
We present a high statistics study of ฮฃb bottom baryon states based on a sample corresponding to 5.3 fb-1 of fully reconstructed ฮb decays collected by the CDF experiment. The first independent mass and widths measurements of all four states ฮฃb*+ and ฮฃb*- are reported.
Lea Michaela Caminada
(Institut fuer Teilchenphysik - ETHZ)
7/22/10, 5:15โฏPM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
Measurements by the CMS experiment of the cross section for inclusive b production in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV are presented. The measurements are based on different methods, such as inclusive jet measurements with secondary vertex tagging or selecting a sample of events containing jets and at least one muon, where the transverse momentum of the muon with respect to the...
Achim Geiser
(Fachbereich Physik)
7/22/10, 5:30โฏPM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
Beauty photoproduction in dijet events has been measured at HERA with the ZEUS detector using an integrated luminosity of 126 pb-1. Beauty was identified in events with a muon in the final state by using the transverse momentum of the muon relative to the closest jet. Lifetime information from the silicon vertex detector was also used; the impact parameter of the muon with respect to the...
Markus Bobrowski
(University of Regensburg)
7/24/10, 9:00โฏAM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
We investigate the mixing of neutral charmed mesons within the Standard Model (SM), using the framework of Heavy Quark Expansion (HQE). In a recent study, we have argued that a CP phase of the order of 1 per mille to 1 per cent could be present in charm mixing in the SM. Our arguments rely on the enhancement of higher-dimensional terms in the HQE due to a lifting of the severe GIM suppression...
David Cassel
(Cornell University)
7/24/10, 9:15โฏAM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
Using the full CLEO-c D0D0bar, D+D-, and DsbarDs* data samples, we have made precision measurements of many D meson semileptonic branching fractions and form factors. The results for the form factors of exclusive D+ and D0 semileptonic decays to K and ฯ mesons agree well with recent Lattice QCD calculations. Using a non-parametric technique, we measure the form factor for D+->K0*bar e v_e...
Brian Meadows
(University of Cincinnati)
7/24/10, 9:30โฏAM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
The study of Charm Decays at SuperB provide unique opportunities to understand the Standard Model and constrain new physics, both at the Y(4S), and at charm threshold. We discuss the physics potential of such measurements from the proposed SuperB experiment with 75 ab-1 of data at the Y(4S) and a subsequent run dedicated to exploiting quantum correlations at the charm threshold.
Xavier Prudent
(Inst. fuer Kern- und Teilchenphysik (IKTP)-Technische Universita)
7/24/10, 9:45โฏAM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
We report on the search for the rare decays B+ -> D+ K0 and B+ -> D+ K*0 decays using 426 fb-1 of data (468 10^6 BBbar pairs) collected at the Upsilon(4S) resonance with the BaBar detector at the PEP-II B factory at SLAC.
Grelli Alessandro
7/24/10, 10:00โฏAM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
Charm and bottom quarks have been proposed as probes to study hot quark matter produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. The detailed understanding of the charm cross-section in proton-proton collisions as well as the production mechanisms is of considerable interest as QCD test tool and as reference calibration for heavy-ion studies. Measurements of D mesons yield in minimum bias...
Marco Pappagallo
(Universita & INFN, Bari)
7/24/10, 10:15โฏAM
05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)
Parallel Session Talk
We present a measurement of the absolute branching fraction Br(Ds->ยต v_ยต) and Br(Ds->ฯ v_ฯ) and of the Ds decay constant, f_Ds, using 521 fb-1} of data collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II storage rings at SLAC. We also obtained an upper limit on Br(Ds->e v_e). Ds events are detected by reconstructing the recoiling system, D K X ฮณ, in events of the type e+e-->D K X Ds*, where Ds*->Ds...