22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

Recent progress on nuclear potentials from lattice QCD

23 Jul 2010, 14:00
Salle 252A

Salle 252A

Parallel Session Talk 09 - Progress in Lattice Techniques and New Results 09 - Progress in Lattice Techniques and New Results


Prof. Sinya Aoki (University of Tsukuba)


I review the recent progress on the determination of potentials between baryons from lattice QCD, based on works by HAL (Hadron to Atomic nuclei from Lattice) QCD Collaboration, who uses the Bethe-Salpter amplitudes to extract potentials in quantum field theories. The method is first applied to two nucleons on the lattice with quenched QCD simulations. By disentangling the mixing between the S-state and the D-state, both central and tensor potentials in the leading order of the velocity expansion of the non-local NN potential are obtained. The method has also been applied to hyperon-nucleon potentials and hyperon-hyperon potentials. The possible extension of the method to extract hadron interactions in general from lattice QCD is also discussed.


Prof. Sinya Aoki (University of Tsukuba)

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