22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

W and Z boson production and properties at the Tevatron

22 Jul 2010, 09:30
Salle 252B

Salle 252B

Parallel Session Talk 02 - The Standard Model and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking 02 - The Standard Model and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking


Terry Wyatt (University of Manchester)


We present results of W and Z boson studies at the Tevatron including Drell-Yan cross sections measurement, W boson charge asymmetry, Z/gamma forward-backward asymmetry as well as transverse momentum distribution.

Primary author

Tevatron CDF_and_DZero_Collaborations (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL))

Presentation materials