Shin Ted Lin
(Academia Sinica)
Experiments with sub-keV sensitivities open a window to search for WIMPs at the mass range of less than 10 GeV and for axions through resonant absorption. We will present data taken with a 500-g Point Contact Germanium detector at the Kuo-Sheng Neutrino Laboratory in 2009-2010, which improve over previous sensitivities [1]. A dedicated experiment is now under preparation at the new China Jin-Ping Underground Laboratory which has over 2500 m of rock overburden and has horizontal drive-in access [2]. Data taking is scheduled by Fall 2010. The status of construction of the laboratory and the experiment will be presented. Future plans will be discussed.
1. S.T. Lin et al., Phys. Rev. D 79, 061101 (R) (2009).
2. D. Normile, Science 324, 1246 (2009).
Henry Wong
(Academia Sinica)
Shin Ted Lin
(Academia Sinica)