22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

Searches for Massive T’ quark decaying to W + b at the Tevatron

23 Jul 2010, 16:15
Salle Maillot

Salle Maillot

Parallel Session Talk 10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches) 10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)


Alison Lister (University of Geneva)


Fifteen years since the discovery of top at the Tevatron, with the large Run 2 dataset in hand and plenty of analysis experience, we have now reached the point where we can perform in-depth examinations of the top quark event sample for evidence of physics beyond the Standard Model. We present a search for a massive quark (t') decaying to Wq or Wb and thus mimicking the top quark decay signature. We set limits on a 4th generation t' quark using the latest Tevatron data.


Presentation materials