David Cassel
(Cornell University)
Using the full CLEO-c D0D0bar, D+D-, and DsbarDs* data samples, we have made precision measurements of many D meson semileptonic branching fractions and form factors. The results for the form factors of exclusive D+ and D0 semileptonic decays to K and π mesons agree well with recent Lattice QCD calculations. Using a non-parametric technique, we measure the form factor for D+->K0*bar e v_e decay and also the mass-suppressed form factor in D+->K0*bar µ v_µ decay. We report new results for the Cabibbo-suppressed semileptonic decays to the vector mesons, D0->ρ- e+ v_e, D+->ρ0 e+ v_e, and D+->ω e+ v_e, as well as to the scalars η and η'. We also report measurements of exclusive Ds semileptonic decays to a variety of final states. Finally, we report precision measurements of inclusive D0, D+, and Ds semileptonic decays.
David Cassel
(Cornell University)