22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

Measurement of Branching Fraction for B_s -> J/psi f_0(980) and Search for B_s -> hh decays

22 Jul 2010, 14:30
Salle 242

Salle 242

Parallel Session Talk 05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory) 05 - Heavy Quarks Properties (experiment and theory)


Jean Wicht (KEK)


We present a measurement of the branching fraction for the CP eigenstate decay Bs->J/ψ f0(980). The result is based on 23.6 fb-1 of data collected at the Y(5S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric e+e- collider. We have also searched for Bs0->hh decays, where h stands for a charged or neutral kaon, or a charged pion. We observe the decay Bs0->K+K- and measure its branching fraction, Br(Bs0->K+K-)=(3.8 -0.9/+1.0 (stat.) ± 0.5(syst.) ± 0.5(fs))*10-5. No significant signals are seen in other decay modes, and we set upper limits at the 90% confidence level: Br(Bs0->K- π+)<1.2*10-5, Br(Bs0->π+ π-)<2.6*10-5 and Br(Bs0->K0 K0bar)<6.6*10-5.


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