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10–14 Dec 2018
Auditorium Santa Cecilia , Perugia, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone
2008 - 2018

The Electron Ion Collider and its implications for high-energy phenomenology

13 Dec 2018, 15:20
Auditorium Santa Cecilia , Perugia, Italy

Auditorium Santa Cecilia , Perugia, Italy

Via Fratti, 2 - 06123 Perugia Italy


TIMOTHY J HOBBS (Southern Methodist University)


A future electron-ion collider (EIC) will be a dedicated high-luminosity machine with the capability of unraveling many issues in QCD, including a systematic tomographic mapping of the nucleon's internal structure, investigations of the quark-hadron transition, the onset and dynamics of gluon saturation at low x, and the nature of the nuclear medium. In addition to the wealth of information an EIC will yield on hadronic and nuclear physics, it can also be expected to play a powerful complementary role to high energy programs at the LHC and beyond. In this talk I will
provide an overview of the physics motivation for the EIC and its possible impact on efforts along the energy frontier.


TIMOTHY J HOBBS (Southern Methodist University)

Presentation materials