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5–7 Dec 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

Coulomb Excitation of Pear-shaped Nuclei

5 Dec 2018, 09:55
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Submitted HIE-ISOLDE Physics


Peter Butler (University of Liverpool (GB))


We have carried out measurements, using Miniball, of the $\gamma$-ray de-excitation of $^{222,228}$Ra and $^{222,224,226}$Rn nuclei Coulomb-excited by bombarding $^{60}$Ni and $^{120}$Sn targets. The beams of radioactive ions, having energies of between 4.25 and 5.08 MeV.A, were provided by HIE-ISOLDE. The purpose of these measurements is to determine the intrinsic quadrupole and octupole moments in these nuclei and look for other cases of permanent octupole deformation to those of $^{224,226}$Ra already reported$^{1,2}$. One aim of this experiment is to determine the level schemes of $^{224,226}$Rn in order to characterise these isotopes as octupole vibrational or octupole deformed. We present here the preliminary results of this analysis which suggests that radon even-even nuclei in this mass region are all octupole vibrational. The implications for EDM searches in radon atoms will be discussed.

$^1$ Gaffney L P et al. 2013 Nature $\bf 497$ 199
$^2$ Wollersheim H J et al. 1993 Nuclear Physics A $\bf 556$ 261

Primary authors

Peter Butler (University of Liverpool (GB)) Liam Gaffney (CERN)


P. Spagnoletti (University of West of Scotland) M. Bowry (TRIUMF) J. Cederkäll (University of Lund) T. Chupp (University of Michigan) G. De Angelis (INFN Legnaro) P.E. Garret (University of Guelph) A. Goldkuhle (University of Koln) C. Henrich (TU Darmstadt) K. Johnston (CERN) D.T. Joss (University of Liverpool) J.M. Keatings (University of West of Scotland) N. Kelly (University of West of Scotland) M. Komorowska (University of Warsaw) T. Kröll (TU Darmstadt) B.S. Nara Singh (University of West of Scotland) D. O'Donnell (University of West of Scotland) J. Ojala (University of Jyväskylä) R.D. Page (University of Liverpool) L. Pedersen (University of Oslo) C. Raison (University of York) M. Scheck (University of West of Scotland) T. Shneidman (JINR Dubna) B. Siebeck (University of Koln) J. Sinclair (University of West of Scotland) J.F. Smith (University of West of Scotland) M. Stryjczyk (KU Leuven) P. Van Duppen (KU Leuven) S. Vinals (IEM-CSIC Madrid) V. Virtanen (University of Jyväskylä) N. Warr (University of Koln) K. Wrzosek-Lipska (University of Warsaw) M Zielinska (CEA Saclay)

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