Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

ISOLDE Workshop and Users meeting 2018

from Wednesday 5 December 2018 (09:00) to Friday 7 December 2018 (13:00)
CERN (503/1-001)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
5 Dec 2018
6 Dec 2018
7 Dec 2018
09:00 Welcome - Gerda Neyens (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
HIE-ISOLDE Physics - Gerda Neyens (CERN) (until 10:50) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:05 HIE-ISOLDE physics campaign 2018 - Joonas Konki (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:35 First results from the ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer - David Sharp (The University of Manchester)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:55 Coulomb Excitation of Pear-shaped Nuclei - Peter Butler (University of Liverpool (GB))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:15 Study of shell evolution around the doubly magic 208Pb, via multi-nucleon transfer reaction - Dr Andres Illana Sison (Universita e INFN, Legnaro (IT))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:35 Coulomb Excitation of Semi-Magic $^{206}$Hg at Miniball ISOLDE - Lisa Natascha Morrison (University of Surrey (GB))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:50 --- Coffee break ---
Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics - Piet Van Duppen (KU Leuven (BE)) (until 12:45) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:15 Ab initio nuclear theory with uncertainty quantification - Christian Forssén (Chalmers University of Technology)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:45 Exotic decay modes studied with the Optical TPC - Dr Chiara Mazzocchi   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
12:05 Total Absorption Spectroscopy of N=Z nuclei at ISOLDE: weak-decay rates in the rp-process - Dr Enrique Nacher (IFIC - CSIC, Valencia)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
12:25 The 59Cu(p,α) cross section and heavy element nucleosynthesis in core collapse supernovae - Ruchi Garg (The University of Edinburgh (GB))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
Applications - Thierry Stora (CERN) (until 10:20) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:00 The MEDICIS Facility – overview, 2018 operation report and plans for CERN long shutdown 2 - Dr Joao Pedro Ramos (KU Leven and CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:30 An update on the chemical separation of 149Tb and its subsequent application for preclinical therapy studies - Nicholas Philip Van Der Meulen (Paul Scherrer Institut (CH))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:00 MIRACLS: A novel approach for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy - Mrs Varvara Lagaki (CERN, University of Greifswald)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:20 Photo   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Technical Session 1 - Dag Hanstorp (Gothenburg University (SE)) (until 12:40) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:00 The ISOLDE target production: Highlights of 2018 - Dr Sebastian Rothe (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:30 Plans for ISOLDE during LS2 and Outlook for the Future - Mr Richard Catherall (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
12:00 The ISOLDE RILIS in 2018 - Shane Wilkins (University of Manchester (GB))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
12:20 Negative ion beams at ISOLDE - David Leimbach (Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
Technical Session 2 - Yacine Kadi (CERN) (until 10:30) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:00 Operations of the REX/HIE-ISOLDE linac during the 2018 Physics Campaign - Jose Alberto Rodriguez (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:30 REX and HIE ISOLDE post-accelerator shutdown work - Mr Erwin Siesling (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:50 REX/HIE-ISOLDE Machine Development - Niels Killian Noal Bidault (CERN, INFN & Sapienza University of Rome)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:10 Charge breeding investigations for a future 11C treatment facility - Fredrik John Carl Wenander (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Low Energy Physics 2 - Silvia Leoni (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT)) (until 12:40) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:00 Mass measurements at the extreme of the nuclear landscape with ISOLTRAP - Maxime Mougeot (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (DE))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:30 Standard Model tests in nuclei - Martin Gonzalez-Alonso (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
12:00 186Hg ground state deformation from total absorption studies - Dr Alejandro Algora (IFIC(CSIC-Univ. of Valencia))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
12:20 Beta-delayed fission investigation of $^{188m1,m2}$Bi employing isomer-selective laser ionization - Boris Andel (Comenius University in Bratislava (SK))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
12:45 --- Lunch Break ---
Solid State Physics - Ulrich Wahl (Universidade de Lisboa (PT)) (until 15:30) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:00 Unraveling the atomic structure of quantum materials using radioactive ions - Lino Miguel Da Costa Pereira (KU Leuven (BE))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:30 Sub-lattice displacement in multiferroic Rashba semiconductor (Ge,Mn)Te (IS648) - Tiago Abel De Lemos Lima (KU Leuven, IKS)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:45 Perturbed Angular Correlation γ-γ measurements on Naturally Layered Perovskites Ca_{n+1}Mn_{n}O_{3n+1} - Pedro Miguel Da Rocha Rodrigues (Universidade do Porto (PT))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:00 Evidence of p-type doping in Mn doped AlGaN following 57Mn/57Fe implantation - Hilary Masenda (University of Witwatersrand)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:15 Defect structures of photocatalytic plasma treated and doped titania - Peter Schaaf (TU Ilmenau)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:30 --- Coffee break ---
Other Facilities 1 - Giovanna Benzoni (INFN sezione di Milano) (until 17:30) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:00 Recent highlights and projects at the Antiproton Decelerator - Chloe Malbrunot (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:30 Physics opportunities at VAMOS - Dr Antoine LEMASSON (GANIL)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
17:00 The SPES project: present and future with Radioactive ion Beams at LNL - Fabiana Gramegna (INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
Poster Session (until 19:30) (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 A compact RFQ cooler buncher for CRIS experiments - Ben Stanley Cooper (University of Manchester (GB))   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Bunching studies with the ISOLDE RFQcb - Stuart Warren (CERN)   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Collinear resonant ionization spectroscopy of neutron-deficient Tin approaching N=50 - Mr Fredrik Parnefjord Gustafsson (KU Leuven)   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Coulomb dissociation of $^{14}$O in the context of the hot CNO cycle - Ms Kabita Kundalia (Bose Institute)   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Coulomb Excitation of 66Ge - Kenzo Abrahams (The University of the Western Cape)   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Electron capture of 8B into highly excited states of 8Be - Silvia Vinals Onses (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) (ES))   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Glowing VME backplanes - recent upgrades of the SEC and IDS DAQ - Michael Kulmback Munch (Aarhus University (DK))   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 IS634: First results on the temperature dependence of the $^{11}$Be lattice location in GaN - Ulrich Wahl (Universidade de Lisboa (PT))   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Isolde V - Tim Giles (CERN)   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Laser spectroscopy on Germanium isotopes at COLLAPS-CERN - Mr Tassos Kanellakopoulos (KU Leuven (BE))   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Measuring sub-barrier fusion cross sections of exotic nuclei using a novel radiochemical method - Prof. Ismael Martel (University of Huelva)   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Progress of the IS559 experiment - Mr Vetle Wegner Ingeberg (University of Oslo (NO))   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Reducing the beamtime required for lifetime measurements with the Triple-foil Plunger for Exotic Nuclei (TPEN) - Mr Liam Barber (University of Manchester)   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Searching for β-delayed protons from 11 Be - Natalia Anna Sokolowska (University of Warsaw (PL))   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Simulations of Ion Trajectories inside the Multi Ion Reflection Apparatus for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy (MIRACLS) - Franziska Maria Maier (Johannes Kepler University (AT))   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Solute diffusion of ⁶⁴Cu in single crystalline CoCrFeNi HEA - Daniel Gaertner (Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster (DE))   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 STRUCTURE OF β-DECAY STRENGTH FUNCTION Sβ(E), WIGNER SPIN-ISOSPIN SU(4) SYMMETRY, AND SU(4) REGION - Igor Izosimov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Study of octupole collectivity in 146Nd and 148Sm - Michalina Komorowska (Heavy Ion Laboratory University of Warsaw)   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Study of the $\beta$ decay of $^{133}$In and $^{134}$In - Monika Piersa (University of Warsaw (PL))   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Study of the kinetics of complex formation and in vivo stability of novel radiometal-chelate conjugates for applications in nuclear medicine. - Valery Radchenko (TRIUMF)   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Studying shape coexistence in the neutron-deficient lead region with few-nucleon transfer reactions - Dr Stuart Szwec (University of Jyväskylä)   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Technical developments and first studies of biological samples at the VITO beamline. - Jared Croese (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 The d + $^{7}$Be reaction to study the cosmological lithium problem - Mr Sk Mustak Ali (Bose Institute)   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 The impact of dielectronic recombination on the charge state distribution at REXEBIS - Mr Hannes Pahl (CERN, Heidelberg University)   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 Time-of-Flight study of cooled molecular beams - Annie Ringvall Moberg (Gothenburg University (SE))   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 WISARD: The 0.1% challenge - Victoria Isabel Araujo Escalona (KU Leuven (BE))   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
17:30 γ-spectroscopy of low spin states of 232Ac following the β- decay of 232Ra - Ms Cristina Clisu (IFIN-HH and the Faculty of Physics of the University of Bucharest)   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
12:40 --- Lunch break ---
Low Energy Physics 1 - Yorick Blumenfeld (Institut de Physique Nucléaire-Orsay) (until 16:00) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:00 Staying in shape after 35: COLLAPS’s recent results and perspectives - Hanne Heylen (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:30 Recent results from the ISOLDE Decay Station - Razvan Lica (IFIN-HH (RO))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:05 Collinear Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (CRIS) studies of neutrondefcient and neutron-rich Indium isotopes - Mr Adam Vernon (University of Manchester, CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:25 Study of beta-delayed neutron decay of 8He - Zenon Janas (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:45 Precision spectroscopy of "hot" molecules - Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
Other Facilities 2 - Magdalena Gorska (GSI Darmstadt) (until 18:15) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:30 In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of exotic nuclei at the RIBF - Kathrin Wimmer (University of Tokyo (JP))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
17:00 Spectroscopy of muonic atoms and the proton radius puzzle - Dr Aldo Antognini (Paul Scherrer Institute)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
17:30 R3B-NeuLAND - Detection of Fast Neutrons - Konstanze Boretzky (GSI)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
18:00 Evidence for clustering in $^{20}$Ne: the Morinaga nucleus - Ms Senamile Masango (University of the Western Cape (ZA))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
19:15 Workshop Dinner   ()
12:40 Closing Remarks and Prize announcements - Gerda Neyens (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)