10–14 Jun 2019
Bonn, Campus Poppelsdorf
Europe/Zurich timezone

Role of the N(1535) in the Λ₍ -> k̅° η p decay

11 Jun 2019, 17:30
HS 6

HS 6

Baryon resonances in experiments with hadron beams and in the e+e- collisions Parallel Session C


Ju-Jun Xie


The nonleptonic weak decay of Lambda_c->K0bar eta p is analyzed from the viewpoint of probing the N(1535) resonance, which has a big decay branching ratio to eta N. Up to an arbitrary normalization, the invariant mass distribution of eta p is calculated with both the chiral unitary approach and an effective Lagrangian model. Within the chiral unitary approach, the N(1535) resonance is dynamically generated from the final-state interaction of mesons and baryons in the strangeness zero sector. For the effective Lagrangian model, we take a Breit-Wigner formula to describe the distribution of the N(1535) resonance. It is found that the behavior of the N(1535) resonance in the Lambda_c-->K0bar N(1535)>K0bar eta p decay within the two approaches is different. The proposed Lambda_c decay mechanism can provide valuable information on the properties of the N(1535) and can in principle be tested by facilities such as BEPC II and SuperKEKB.



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