Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Machine Learning for Jet Physics

from Wednesday 14 November 2018 (08:00) to Friday 16 November 2018 (18:00)
Fermilab (One West (WH1W))

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
14 Nov 2018
15 Nov 2018
16 Nov 2018
08:30 Registration   (One West (WH1W))
Introduction (Chairs: Sergei Gleyzer and Benjamin Nachman) (until 11:30) (One West (WH1W))
09:00 Welcome Remarks - Dr Joseph Lykken (Deputy Director, Fermilab)   (One West (WH1W))
09:10 Logistics   (One West (WH1W))
09:15 Jets and ML in Theory (30'+15') - Jesse Thaler (MIT)   (One West (WH1W))
10:00 Jets and ML in ATLAS (30'+15') - Walter Hopkins (Argonne National Laboratory (US))   (One West (WH1W))
10:45 Jets and ML in CMS (30'+15') - Mauro Verzetti (CERN)   (One West (WH1W))
11:30 --- Lunch ---
08:30 --- Coffee ---
Representing Jets (Chairs: Mauro Verzetti and David Shih) (until 11:30) (One West (WH1W))
09:00 Introduction and overview (20’+10’) - David Shih (Rutgers University)   (One West (WH1W))
09:30 Energy Flow Networks: Deep Sets for Particle Jets (20’+5’) - Patrick Komiske (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (One West (WH1W))
10:00 Jet as a particle cloud (20’+5’) - Huilin Qu (Univ. of California Santa Barbara (US))   (One West (WH1W))
10:30 Spectral Analysis of Color Charge in Two-Prong Jets with Neural Networks (20’+5’) - Sung Hak Lim (KEK)   (One West (WH1W))
11:00 ML@QCD efforts in Sherpa: shower variations and phase-space sampling (20’+5’) - Enrico Bothmann (University of Edinburgh)   (One West (WH1W))
11:30 --- Lunch ---
09:00 History of Machine Learning for High Energy Physics (20'+10') - Pushpalatha Bhat (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (One West (WH1W))
09:30 --- Coffee break ---
Simulation Independent Methods (Chairs: Tommaso Dorigo and Bryan Ostdiek) (until 11:30) (One West (WH1W))
10:00 Introduction and overview (20'+10') - Bryan Ostdiek (University of Oregon)   (One West (WH1W))
10:35 Disentangling Jet Categories at Colliders (20'+5') - Eric Metodiev (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (One West (WH1W))
11:05 JUNIPR: a Framework for Unsupervised Machine Learning in Particle Physics (20'+5') - Anders Andreassen (UC Berkeley)   (One West (WH1W))
11:30 --- Lunch ---
Jet Tagging (Chairs: Gregor Kasieczka and Matt Dolan) (until 16:00) (One West (WH1W))
12:30 Introduction and overview (20'+10') - Gregor Kasieczka (Hamburg University (DE))   (One West (WH1W))
13:05 top and W tagging with ATLAS (20’+5’) - Samuel Ross Meehan (University of Washington (US))   (One West (WH1W))
13:35 top and W tagging with CMS (20’+5’) - Justin Pilot (University of California Davis (US))   (One West (WH1W))
14:00 --- Short Break ---
14:20 b-tagging in ATLAS (25’+5’) - Matthew Feickert (Southern Methodist University (US))   (One West (WH1W))
14:50 ML Techniques for heavy flavour identification in CMS (25'+5') - Emil Sorensen Bols (Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE))   (One West (WH1W))
15:20 Deep Learning Strange Jets (20’+5’) - Yuichiro Nakai (Rutgers University)   (One West (WH1W))
15:45 --- Pre-Colloquium Coffee Break ---
16:00 Fermilab Colloquium (Graph Networks and Physics Applications) - Risi Condor (University of Chicago)   (One West (WH1W))
Representing Jets (Chairs: Mauro Verzetti and David Shih) (until 14:00) (One West (WH1W))
13:00 Quarks vs. Gluons for Higgs->invisible searches (20'+5') - Jennifer Thompson (ITP Heidelberg)   (One West (WH1W))
13:30 Top tagging with Lorentz Boost Networks and simulation of electromagnetic showers with a Wasserstein GAN (20'+5') - Yannik Alexander Rath (RWTH Aachen University (DE))   (One West (WH1W))
Experimental/Practical aspects of learning with jets (Chairs: Ben Hooberman and Daniel Elvira) (until 18:00) (One West (WH1W))
14:00 Introduction and overview (20'+10')   (One West (WH1W))
14:30 Machine Learning for Jet Calibration in ATLAS (20'+5') - Aviv Ruben Cukierman (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))   (One West (WH1W))
15:00 End-to-end jet identification for quark/gluon discrimination using CMS Open Data (20'+5') - Michael Andrews (Carnegie-Mellon University (US))   (One West (WH1W))
15:30 --- Coffee break an group photo ---
16:15 Pulling Out All the Tops with Computer Vision and Deep Learning (20'+5') - Sebastian Macaluso   (One West (WH1W))
16:40 Fast inference of jet substructure classifiers with FPGAs (20'+5') - Zhenbin Wu (University of Illinois at Chicago (US))   (One West (WH1W))
17:05 Modern jet machine-learning classification in real time (20'+5') - Konstantin Gizdov (The University of Edinburgh (GB))   (One West (WH1W))
17:30 Heavy flavour identification for boosted resonances and large cone jets in CMS (20'+5') - Javier Mauricio Duarte (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (One West (WH1W))
19:00 Dinner (Masala)   (One West (WH1W))
Simulation Independent Methods (Chairs: Tommaso Dorigo and Bryan Ostdiek) (until 15:00) (One West (WH1W))
13:00 CWoLa Hunting: Enhancing the Bump Hunt with Machine Learning (20'+5') - Jack Collins (University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University)   (One West (WH1W))
13:30 QCD or What: Deep autoencoder based searches for new physics (20'+5') - Gregor Kasieczka (Hamburg University (DE))   (One West (WH1W))
14:00 Searching for New Physics with Autoencoders (20'+5') - Marco Farina (Rutgers University)   (One West (WH1W))
14:30 Novelty Detection Meets Collider Physics (20'+5') - Tao Liu (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HK))   (One West (WH1W))
15:00 Discussion and Closeout   (One West (WH1W))
15:30 Wine and Cheese Seminar (Deep Learning for HEP)   (One West (WH1W))