1:00 PM
Representing Jets (Chairs: Mauro Verzetti and David Shih)
(until 2:00 PM)
(One West (WH1W))
1:00 PM
Quarks vs. Gluons for Higgs->invisible searches (20'+5')
Jennifer Thompson
(ITP Heidelberg)
(One West (WH1W))
1:30 PM
Top tagging with Lorentz Boost Networks and simulation of electromagnetic showers with a Wasserstein GAN (20'+5')
Yannik Alexander Rath
(RWTH Aachen University (DE))
(One West (WH1W))
2:00 PM
Experimental/Practical aspects of learning with jets (Chairs: Ben Hooberman and Daniel Elvira)
(until 6:00 PM)
(One West (WH1W))
2:00 PM
Introduction and overview (20'+10')
(One West (WH1W))
2:30 PM
Machine Learning for Jet Calibration in ATLAS (20'+5')
Aviv Ruben Cukierman
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
(One West (WH1W))
3:00 PM
End-to-end jet identification for quark/gluon discrimination using CMS Open Data (20'+5')
Michael Andrews
(Carnegie-Mellon University (US))
(One West (WH1W))
3:30 PM
--- Coffee break an group photo ---
4:15 PM
Pulling Out All the Tops with Computer Vision and Deep Learning (20'+5')
Sebastian Macaluso
(One West (WH1W))
4:40 PM
Fast inference of jet substructure classifiers with FPGAs (20'+5')
Zhenbin Wu
(University of Illinois at Chicago (US))
(One West (WH1W))
5:05 PM
Modern jet machine-learning classification in real time (20'+5')
Konstantin Gizdov
(The University of Edinburgh (GB))
(One West (WH1W))
5:30 PM
Heavy flavour identification for boosted resonances and large cone jets in CMS (20'+5')
Javier Mauricio Duarte
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
(One West (WH1W))
7:00 PM
Dinner (Masala)
(One West (WH1W))