Multifield D5-brane Inflation in the Throat

21 May 2019, 14:20
Copano (Omni Hotel)


Omni Hotel

900 N Shoreline Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Oral Cosmology and Gravitational Waves Cosmology and Gravitational Waves


Ms Dibya Chakraborty (PhD student of University of Guanajuato)


Given the ongoing debate by Vafa et al on inflation and the swampland, I will discuss a multifield D-brane model of inflation consistent with observational bounds. We study the model, which was previously been done as a single field, by focusing on the multifield cosmological evolution of a probe D5 brane moving in both radial and angular directions in the Warped Resolved Conifold (WRC) throat of a type IIB string flux compactification. I will show that the model allows for super planckian decay constants when the brane moves along the angular direction with a cosine potential, consistent with the supergravity approximations. I will show that this can be achieved thanks to the warping, presence of geometrical flux quanta and wrapping number. I will discuss the mass hierarchies between inflatons and other mass scales that are present in this model. I will then show the cosmological observables, $n_s$, $r$ and $f_{NL}^{\textit{local}}$ which are consistent with the current Planck-X bounds.


Ms Dibya Chakraborty (PhD student of University of Guanajuato)

Presentation materials