SUSY with weak scale soft breaking terms is highly motivated theoretically and is also supported by a variety of measured virtual effects. The question is: where are the sparticles and where are the WIMPs? A more nuanced view of naturalness can
reconcile TeV-scale soft terms and mh=125 GeV with naturalness but where now only the higgsinos need lie close to the weak scale while top-squarks may range up to ~3 TeV and gluinos may range up to ~6 TeV at little cost to naturalness. To be natural in both the EW and QCD sectors, then both axions and WIMPs are expected where axions typically make up the bulk of dark matter, bringing SUSY into accord with WIMP search limits.
The view of SUSY from the string landscape motivates the notion of ``stringy naturalness'' which ends up predicting mh=125 GeV along with sparticles typically well beyond current LHC limits.