The string theory landscape of vacua solutions provides physicists with some understanding as to the magnitude of the cosmological constant. Similar reasoning can be applied to the magnitude of the soft SUSY breaking terms in supersymmetric models of particle physics: there appears to be a statistical draw towards large soft terms which is tempered by the anthropic requirement of the weak...
Associated production of top anti-top quark pairs along with a Higgs boson is an important Standard Model process. The top-Yukawa coupling can be directly measured from this process. Being the heaviest of the Standard Model particles, the coupling of top quark to the Higgs field is expected to be large. Any significant deviation in the rate of this process from the Standard Model expectation...
The Mu3e experiment will search for the neutrinoless (lepton flavour violating) decay of an anti-muon to two positrons and an electron $\mu^{+} \rightarrow e^{+}e^{+}e^{-}$, with a sensitivity to a branching ratio smaller than $10^{-15}$ (phase I) and $10^{-15}$ (phase II). To achieve the proposed sensitivity, the mu3e experiment requires excellent vertex resolution, accurate timing, and...
Suppressed SUSY is a new way of generating a reasonable model for SU(5) GUT theory coupled to Supergravity. The minimal version predicts an extremely heavy stable gravitino as a candidate for dark matter. The rest of the model appears to be consistent with the standard SU(5) model without SUSY. However, Suppressed SUSY improves things: the $X,Y$ vector boson masses are increased to Planck...
The T-576 experiment at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory was designed to make the first direct measurement of a coherent radio reflection (`radar') off the particle shower produced by an electron beam (>10 GeV/particle; 10^9 electrons per bunch) directed into a high-density polyethylene target. This beam is approximately equivalent to the shower produced by an EeV energy neutrino...