A future EIC with forward detectors would enable measurements of DIS on
the deuteron with detection of a forward proton/neutron (spectator tagging) over a wide kinematic range. Spectator tagging controls the nuclear configuration during the DIS process and permits an accurate differential treatment of nuclear effects. When combined with deuteron polarization, the method enables next-generation measurements of neutron spin structure and nuclear partonic structure. We summarize recent progress in the development of the spectator tagging program for the EIC. This includes (a) a theoretical framework for precise extraction of neutron spin structure with spectator tagging (realistic deuteron structure, S and D waves) and assessment of the impact of experimental deuteron polarization (using -1/0/+1 spin states or only +1/-1 spin states) [1]; (b) novel tensor-polarized deuteron structure functions in spectator tagging, representing genuine A = 2 effects in nuclear partonic structure.
[1] W. Cosyn, C. Weiss, arXiv:1902.03678 [hep-ph]; in progress.