Shear forces and tensor polarization

9 Apr 2019, 15:20
Cavallerizza Reale - Aula Magna

Cavallerizza Reale - Aula Magna

Via Verdi 9, Turin
Parallel Session Talk WG7: Future of DIS WG7: Future of DIS


Oleg Teryaev (JINR)


The shear forces in deuteron are related to tensor polarization and may be studied in both exclusive and inclusive processes. They are related to sum rules for tensor spin structure functions and provide the new probe of gravity coupling to quarks and gluons and Equivalence Principle (EP). The HERMES data are compatible with validity of EP separately to quarks and gluons. The more accurate tests in hadronic and nuclear collisions, including NICA complex at JINR, are discussed.


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