CMS Baltic Group meeting
1st CERN Baltic Group CMS meeting
Main objectives:
- Understand current engagement in CMS
- Define common areas
- Get exposed and discuss future projects
Andrius Juodagalvis
Angela Jafarova
AURELIJA Vaitkuviene
Aurelijus Rinkevicius
Aušra Kynienė
Dmitrijs Smirnovs
Guenakh Mitselmakher
Jelena Tamuliene
Juozas Vaitkus
Jurgis Porins
Jānis Irbe
Kalvis Kravalis
Lauris Cikovskis
Mantas Stankevicius
Mario Kadastik
Sigitas Tamulevicius
Thomas Gajdosik
Toms Torims
Viesturs Veckalns
Vladimirs Gostilo
The meeting had main objectives defined as
* Understand current engagement in CMS
* Define common areas
* Get exposed and discuss future projects
Latvian business delegation was following the meeting physically at CERN and
raised many important questions during the discussions:
1. Many were technical about CMS computing infrastructure
- There is a spectrum of entry point to CMS computing from easy to more
2. Baltic Scientific Instruments representative noted that current CMS needs are
very challenging and difficult for their current business model.
3. Industrial engineering in CMS technical coordination is very much possible,
there are several entry points:
- Country could pick a project themselves, for example, mechanical
engineering for any subdetector (pixels, strips, ECAL, HGCAL, MTD, etc.) or
technical coordination could help to establish a link.
- There is some generic infrastructure work that is needed as well.
During introduction to current engagement in the Baltics, clarifications were
made to the personnel available in each country:
1. Estonia: 2 senior scientists, 3 postdocs, 1 PhD student participate from
Tallinn in CMS. While Tartu could have 3--4 people that are currently not yet
engaged. Tallinn is planning a Tier 2 upgrade: links up to 100 Gbps (internal
and later external?).
2. Latvia: 2 senior scientists, 1 engineer, 2 PhD students
3. Lithuania: 3 senior scientists in HEP, 3 in related material science (MS), 1
postdoc (MS), 1 PhD student (as in slides).
CMS computing and operations offered a wide range of participation possibilities
and this was interesting to Latvian representatives.
EPIX and MTD upgrade talks presented high-level challenges in the detector
upgrades, which seemed to be very difficult tasks according to Baltic Scientific
Instruments. However, both detector upgrades have a large variety of tasks, where
students could be fully qualified. A proper and future-business-inspired
detector project needs to be identified after further considerations.
During roundtable 2 and idea of involving EuroHPC, where Baltics participate,
was brought up.
* The meeting succeeded reaching the objectives
* It was identified that further business engagement is needed to make a
proper decision, which project to pick
* There will be three different topics for future discussions:
1. Physics research
2. Computing and software
3. Hardware / Engineering