21–29 Aug 2019
Europe/Athens timezone
ICNFP 2019 follows HiX 2019 (also at the OAC), Int. Workshop devoted to Nucleon Structure at Large Bjorken-x (https://indico.cern.ch/event/799284/overview). Related ICNFP Session organized with HiX 2019 convenors will take place the 22-23 August

Lattice study of finite volume effects on transport properties of chiral fermions

27 Aug 2019, 12:30
Room 3

Room 3


Semeon Valgushev (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


We numerically study finite volume effects on transport properties of chiral fermions. To this end, we compute anomalous transport coefficients in linear response approximation, both in continuum and on the lattice using Wilson-Dirac and Overlap fermions. We analyze stability of plasma of chiral (lattice) fermions coupled to dynamical gauge fields and find that finite volume effects significantly impact lattice simulations of dynamical decay of chiral charge due to Chiral Magnetic Instability. We confront our results to real-time lattice simulation in the framework of classical-statistical field theory.


Pavel Buividovich (Regensburg University) Semeon Valgushev (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials