Aug 21 – 29, 2019
Europe/Athens timezone
ICNFP 2019 follows HiX 2019 (also at the OAC), Int. Workshop devoted to Nucleon Structure at Large Bjorken-x ( Related ICNFP Session organized with HiX 2019 convenors will take place the 22-23 August

ATLAS searches for di-Higgs production at 13 TeV and prospects for HL-LHC

Aug 27, 2019, 4:30 PM
Room 6

Room 6

Oral Presentation Parallel Session


Yuta Sano (Nagoya University (JP))


The latest results on production of Higgs boson pairs at 13 TeV by the ATLAS experiment are reported, including a combination of six different decay modes. Results include bbtautau, bbbb, bbgamgam, bbWW, WWWW and WWgamgam final states, and they are interpreted both in terms of sensitivity to the SM and as limits on kappa_lambda, a scaling of the triple-Higgs interaction strength. A new search dedicated to the Vector-Boson-Fusion production was performed in the bbbb final state. Future prospects of testing the Higgs self-couplings at the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will also be presented.


Yuta Sano (Nagoya University (JP)) The ATLAS collaboration

Presentation materials