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8–11 Jan 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

Topics of the FCC-ee event:

  • Overview of the FCC-ee project.

  • Precision goals for  Z, H, W, top, heavy flavour (tau, charm and beauty)  physics.

  • Physics reach of precision measurements comparing with BSM scenarios.

  • Status of methods and tools for precision calculations.

  • Monte Carlo: Theory and Experiments

  • Detector requirements and challenges, technologies, simulations

In theory part, this is a follow up event after the first Mini workshop: Precision EW and QCD calculations for the FCC studies: methods and tools, 12-13 January 2018, CERN, Geneva,

Some previous important workshops of similar kind:

1. July 13-14 2015 (J. Ellis, C. Grojean, S. Heinemeyer) First FCC-ee mini-workshop on Precision Observables and Radiative Corrections

2. Feb 2-3 2016 (P. Azzi, F. Blekman, E. Locci, F. Piccinini, R. Tenchini) FCC-ee mini-workshop "Physics behind  precision" 10th FCC-ee Physics Workshop

More precise topics are:

1. W mass measurements at FCC-ee-W energy, and other WW related measurements

2. Higgs mass and coupling measurements at FCC-ee-H

3. Top mass measurements at FCC-ee-t  

4. Improvements on the determination of alpha_em and alpha_s

5. QCD issues in all the above measurements

6. Tau physics in its multiple role in production and decay processes

7. c,b-physics, precise calculations

8. Monte Carlo: Theory and Experiments

9. BSM versus SM in view of the very high precision of the FCC-ee measurements

10. FCC-ee and FCC-hh synergy for precise calculations

11. FCC-ee Tera-Z: definition of model independent EWPO’s, QED deconvolution

12. Status and planning of new methods and tools for future precision calculations

13. Detector requirements and challenges, technologies, simulations

503/1-001 - Council Chamber
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Block reservations have been made at the CERN hostel.  Theorists should email to book a room.

Application for this event is currently open.