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25–31 Aug 2019
The Grand Hotel Daegu
Asia/Seoul timezone

Prospect and status of the physics run of the NINJA experiment

26 Aug 2019, 19:00
2h 30m
Dynasty Hall (2F) (The Grand Hotel Daegu)

Dynasty Hall (2F)

The Grand Hotel Daegu

Board: 66
Poster Presentation Poster session


Takahiro Odagawa (Kyoto University)


Neutrino-nucleus interaction is a major source of the systematic uncertainty for neutrino oscillation experiments.
The NINJA experiment aims to measure the neutrino-water interactions precisely with a nuclear emulsion detector called Emulsion Cloud Chamber (ECC).
Nuclear emulsion has sub-micron position resolution and it allows us to detect short tracks of low momentum secondary charged particles such as protons.

In the NINJA experiment, a muon detector is placed downstream of ECC because ECC cannot get information of muons from $\nu_{\mu}$ charged current interactions by itself.
In contrast with its good position resolution, nuclear emulsion doesn't have timing information and too many tracks are accumulated in the detector during the whole experiment.
Therefore, the position resolution of the muon detector is not enough to connect the muon tracks to ECC one by one.
The NINJA experiment solves this problem by using a scintillator tracker between the muon detector and ECC, which has equivalent timing resolution and better position resolution.

The NINJA experiment is planning a physics run with a 68 kg water target from this November.
Since the target mass is larger than previous runs, a larger tracker covering 1m $\times$ 1m area is needed.

In this presentation, we will show the status of preparation for the physics run, especially about development of the new scintillator tracker.

Working Group WG2 : Neutrino Scattering Physics

Primary author

Takahiro Odagawa (Kyoto University)


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