Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

25–31 Aug 2019
The Grand Hotel Daegu
Asia/Seoul timezone

Participant List

199 participants

Last Name First Name Title Affiliation Country
Aguilar Sánchez Juan Antonio Prof. Université Libre de Bruxelles (IIHE) Belgium
Asaka Takehiko Prof. Niigata University Japan
Ashkenazi Adi Dr Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States
Aurisano Adam Jude Prof. University of Cincinnati (US) United States
Bae Wonseok Mr Chung-Ang University South Korea
Baeva Aigul Ms Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU) Russia
Bench Francis Mr The University of Liverpool United Kingdom
Bian Jianming Prof. University of California Irvine (US) United States
Blucher Edward Prof. University of Chicago (US) United States
Bonventre Richard Dr Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory United States
Bourbeau Étienne Mr University of Copenhagen Denmark
Bronner Christophe Dr Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, The University of Tokyo Japan
Bross Alan David Prof. Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US) United States
Cai Tejin Mr University of Rochester United States
Calvez Steven Dr Colorado State University United States
Casler Helenka Ms City University of New York / York College campus United States
Chen Chunhui Prof. Iowa State University (US) United States
CHO Jaeyoung Mr Kyungpook National Univ. South Korea
Cho Kihyeon Prof. KISTI South Korea
Choi Ho-Meoyng Prof. Kyungpook National University South Korea
Choi Jaejin Mr Seoul National University (KR) South Korea
Choi Yongwoo Mr Kyungpook National University South Korea
Chung Moses Prof. UNIST South Korea
Corrodi Simon Mr Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) United States
Coyle Paschal Anthony Dr CNRS/CPPMarseille France
D'Alessi Loris Dr IPHC, CNRS/IN2P3 France
da Motta Hélio Dr CBPF Brazil
Daniel Joseph Dr Kyungpook National University South Korea
Dennis Steve Dr University of Liverpool United Kingdom
Densham Chris Dr Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB) United Kingdom
Dittmeier Sebastian Dr Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE) Germany
Dracos Marcos Dr IPHC-Strasbourg France
Duyang Hongyue Dr University of South Carolina United States
Eldred Jeffrey Dr Fermilab United States
Eshraqi Mohammad Dr ESS - European Spallation Source (SE) Sweden
Fermani Paolo Dr Sapienza University of Rome - INFN Italy
Folsom Benjamin Dr European Spallation Source; Lund University Sweden
Friend Megan Dr High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP) Japan
Fukuda Tsutomu Dr Nagoya University Japan
Gallucci Giovanni Dr Universita & INFN Genova (IT) Italy
Ge Shao-Feng Dr Kavli IPMU, UC Berkeley, TDLI-SJTU Japan
Ghosh Manojit Dr KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden
Gil Hana Ms Kyungpook National University South Korea
Gwon SunWoo Mr Chung-Ang University South Korea
Hamilton Pip Dr Syracuse University United States
HE Miao Dr IHEP, Beijing China
He Yun Ms Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory United States
Hellwig Denise Ms RWTH Aachen University Germany
Hen Or Prof. Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States
Hernandez-Gajate Eliecer Prof. University of Salamanca Spain
Hicheur Adlene Prof. U.Constantine/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR) Algeria
Hignight Joshua Dr University of Alberta Canada
Hourlier Adrien Dr Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States
Hu Zhuojun Mr Sun Yat-sen University China
Huang Kunxian Mr National Taiwan Univ. Taiwan
Huber Patrick Prof. Virginia Tech United States
Huh Changgi Mr Kyungpook National University (KR) South Korea
Iwai Ryoto Mr ETH Zürich Switzerland
Jang Dukjae Mr Soongsil University South Korea
JANG Jee-Seung Dr GIST South Korea
Jeon Hyebin Ms Kyungpook National University South Korea
Jeon Si Hyun Mr Seoul National University (KR) South Korea
Jeong Dongwoo Mr Kyungpook National University South Korea
Jeong Yu Seon Dr CERN Switzerland
Jo Hyon-Suk Prof. Kyungpook National University South Korea
Johnson Rolland Dr Muons, Inc. United States
Johnson Scott Dr University of Colorado Boulder (US) United States
Joo KK Prof. Chonnam National University South Korea
Jung Daeun Ms Sungkyunkwan University South Korea
Kanda Sohtaro Dr RIKEN Japan
Kang Kookhyun Dr Kyungpook National Universiy South Korea
Kang Sin Kyu Prof. Seoul-Tech South Korea
Kang Sinchul Mr Kyungpook National University South Korea
Kim Bobae Ms Kyungpook National University (KR) South Korea
Kim Daekwon Mr Kyungpook National University (KR) South Korea
Kim Guinyun Prof. Kyungpook National University (KR) South Korea
Kim Gyeonggyun Mr Kyungpook National University South Korea
Kim HongJoo Prof. Kyungpook National University South Korea
Kim Hyunsoo Prof. Sejong University (KR) South Korea
Kim Jae Sung Mr Seoul National University (KR) South Korea
Kim Jae Yool Prof. Chonnam National University South Korea
Kim Jinyong Mr Kyungpook National University South Korea
Kim Jinyu Mr Institute for Basic Science South Korea
Kim Soo-Bong Prof. Seoul National University South Korea
Kim Wooyoung Prof. Kyungpook National University South Korea
Klicek Budimir Dr RBI - Zagreb Croatia
Ko Heamin Ms Soongsil University South Korea
Ko Youngju Dr Institute for Basic Science South Korea
KOBAYASHI TAKASHI Prof. High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP) Japan
Konno Tomoyuki Dr Kitasato University Japan
Kuno Yoshitaka Prof. Osaka University Japan
Kwon EunHyang Dr Seoul National University South Korea
Kwon Minsu Ms Kyungpook National University South Korea
Lee Bum-Hoon Prof. Sogang University South Korea
Lee Changhui Mr Kyungpook National University South Korea
Lee DongHa Dr Seoul National University South Korea
Lee Eunkyung Ms CUP, IBS South Korea
Lee Hakseong Mr Kyungpook National University (KR) South Korea
Lee Hyungi Mr Seoul National University South Korea
Lee Jik Dr Kyungpook National University South Korea
Lee Kang Young Prof. Gyeongsang National University (KR) South Korea
Lee MyeongJae Dr Institute for Basic Science (Korea) South Korea
Lee Seh Wook Prof. Kyungpook National University (KR) South Korea
Lee Seungcheol Mr Kyungpook National University South Korea
Lee Soohyung Dr Institute for basic Science (KR) South Korea
Lee Young-Min Mr Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology South Korea
Li Jin Dr Kyungpook National University South Korea
Litchfield Phillip Dr Univesity of Glasgow United Kingdom
Lorenzon Wolfgang Prof. Michigan United States
Makimura Shunsuke Mr J-PARC, KEK Japan
MAUREL Alice Ms Ecole Polytechnique (LLR) France
Mavrokoridis Konstantinos Dr University of Liverpool (GB) United Kingdom
Mihara Satoshi Dr KEK Japan
Minakata Hisakazu Dr Virginia Tech United States
Miyake 三宅康博 Prof. KEK Japan
Moon Chang-Seong Prof. Kyungpook National University (KR) South Korea
Natori Hiroaki Dr KEK Japan
Nikolakopoulos Alexis Mr Ghent University Belgium
NISHIMURA Yasuhiro Dr Keio University Japan
Nomura Daisuke Dr KEK Japan
Nugent John Dr University of Glasgow United Kingdom
Ochoa-Ricoux J. Pedro Prof. University of California at Irvine United States
Odagawa Takahiro Mr Kyoto University Japan
Oh Sungbin Mr Seoul National University (KR) South Korea
Oh Yongseok Prof. Kyungpook National University South Korea
Oh Yoomin Dr Institute for Basic Science South Korea
Oh Young Do Dr Kyungpook National University (KR) South Korea
Oksuzian Iuri Dr Argonne National Laboratory United States
Oshima Hitoshi Mr Toho University Japan
Oyama Yuichi Prof. KEK Japan
Pac Myoung Youl Prof. Dongshin University (KR) South Korea
Pak Sang Il Mr Kyungpook National University (KR) South Korea
Park Joochun Dr Lund University (SE) Sweden
Park Myeong-Gu Prof. Kyungpook National University South Korea
Park Sedong Mr kyungpook national university South Korea
Pasternak Jaroslaw Dr Imperial College, London United Kingdom
Perrin-Terrin Mathieu Dr Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS/IN2P3, CPPM, Marseille, France France
Pickering Luke Dr Michigan State University United States
Pramanik Dipyaman Mr Harish-Chandra Research Institute India
Raut Sushant Dr IBS CTPU, Daejeon, South Korea South Korea
Ross-Lonergan Mark Dr Columbia University United States
Rott Carsten Prof. Sungkyunkwan University South Korea
S Mohan LAKSHMI Dr Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai India
Sato Akira Dr Osaka University Japan
Sato Osamu Dr Nagoya University (JP) Japan
Sato Yoichi Dr KEK / J-PARC Japan
Scutti Federico Dr University of Melbourne (AU) Australia
Seiya Kiyomi Dr Fermilab United States
Sekiguchi Tetsuro Dr KEK Japan
Senor David Dr Pacific Northwest National Laboratory United States
Seo Hyon San Mr Seoul National University (KR) South Korea
Seo Jiwoong Mr Sungkyunkwan University South Korea
Seo Sunny Dr IBS South Korea
Seol Daewon Mr Chung-Ang University South Korea
Shin ChangDong Dr Chonnam National Univ. South Korea
Siyeon Kim Prof. Chung-Ang University South Korea
Smith Erica Dr Indiana University United States
So Jungho Dr Institute for Basic Science South Korea
Sobczyk Joanna Mrs Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) Spain
Son Dongchul Prof. Kyungpook National University South Korea
Son Sangyeong Mr Kyungpook National University South Korea
Song Suk-June Mr Kyungpook National University South Korea
Spitz Joshua Prof. University of Michigan United States
Stuttard Tom Dr Niels Bohr Institute / IceCube Denmark
Suekane Fumihiko Prof. Tohoku Univ. Japan
Tang Jian Prof. Sun Yat-Sen University China
Teixeira Ana M. Dr LPC Clermont France
Terranova Francesco Prof. Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT) Italy
Teshima Natsuki Dr Osaka City University Japan
Thompson Joshua Lawrence Mr University of Sheffield (GB) Switzerland
Tomalak Oleksandr Dr University of Kentucky United States
Torregrosa Martin Claudio Leopoldo Dr CERN Switzerland
Ueno Yasuhiro Dr RIKEN Japan
UESAKA Yuichi Dr Saitama University Japan
Valle Jose W F Prof. AHEP Group at IFIC, CSIC/U. Valencia Spain
Vassilopoulos Nikolaos Dr Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS China
Volkas Raymond Prof. The University of Melbourne Australia
Walker John Dr University of Winnipeg Canada
Wang Zhimin Dr Institute of high energy physics, Beijing China
Wong Mark Dr Université Clermont Auvergne France
Wu Wenjie Mr Wuhan University China
Xing Tianyu Mr IHEP,CAS China
Xu Jilei Dr Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences China
Yadav Nitin Dr Institute of High Energy Physics China
Yang Jeongyeol Mr Seoul National University South Korea
Yang Un-Ki Prof. Seoul National University (KR) South Korea
Yasutome Kenji Mr Kyoto University Japan
Ye Ryonghae Mr Kyungpook National University (KR) South Korea
yeo insung Dr KISTI South Korea
Yin Wen Dr KAIST South Korea
Yoo Hwi Dong Prof. Seoul National University (KR) South Korea
Yoon Chun Sil Prof. Gyeongsang National University (KR) South Korea
Yoon Tae Seog Prof. Kyungpook National University South Korea
Yu Intae Prof. Sungkyunkwan University (KR) South Korea
Yu Jaehoon Prof. University of Texas at Arlington (US) United States
Yuan Ye Prof. Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing China
Zhao Guang Dr IHEP China
Zou Ye Dr Uppsala University (SE) Sweden