25–31 Aug 2019
The Grand Hotel Daegu
Asia/Seoul timezone

New Physics and the Leptonic CP Phase Measurement

29 Aug 2019, 16:00
Plaza Hall (5F) (The Grand Hotel Daegu)

Plaza Hall (5F)

The Grand Hotel Daegu

Oral Presentation Working Group 5


Dr Shao-Feng Ge (Kavli IPMU & UC Berkeley)


The leptonic CP phase has profound physical consequences due to its possible connection with leptogenesis for explaining the existence of matter in the Universe. To some extent, the leptonic CP phase is even more important than the Higgs boson that provide mass for all fundamental particles. If we cannot understand the existence of matter, why we need to care about their mass. However, the current accelerator experiments for CP phase measurement suffer from new physics such as non-unitarity mixing (NUM) and (vector, scalar, dark) non-standard interactions (NSI). It is necessary to find extra experimental configuration to guarantee CP sensitivity at T2(H)K, NOvA, DUNE, and T2HKK.


Jarah Evslin, SFG, Kaoru Hagiwara, JHEP 1602 (2016) 137 [arXiv:1506.05023]
SFG, Pedro Pasquini, Mariam Tortola, Jose W.F. Valle, Phys.Rev. D95 (2017) no.3, 033005 [arXiv:1605.01670]
SFG, Alexei Smirnov, JHEP 1610 (2016) 138 [arXiv:1607.08513]
SFG, NuPhys 2016 [arXiv:1704.08518]
SFG, Stephen Parke, Phys.Rev.Lett. 122 (2019) no.21, 211801 [arXiv:1812.08376]
SFG, Hitoshi Murayama [arXiv:1904.02518]

Working Group WG5 : Neutrinos Beyond PMNS


Dr Shao-Feng Ge (Kavli IPMU & UC Berkeley)

Presentation materials