25–31 Aug 2019
The Grand Hotel Daegu
Asia/Seoul timezone

Updated design studies at 25 kW for EMuS at CSNS

30 Aug 2019, 14:30
Pine Hall (2F) (The Grand Hotel Daegu)

Pine Hall (2F)

The Grand Hotel Daegu

Oral Presentation Working Group 3


Dr Nikolaos Vassilopoulos (IHEP, CAS)


EMuS (Experimental Muon Source) at CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source) is a multidisciplinary project concerning very intense muon and pion beams mainly for muSR applications and particle physics. EMuS provides very intense beams by having as target system a unique superconducting capture solenoid incorporating a conical graphite target, with forward collection of muons and pions, and extraction of spent protons. Updated studies for the target station design and muon/pion rates at 25 kW/CSNS-II are presented as well as the neutrino beam intended for low energy neutrino cross sections measurements. In parallel, the layouts of the related downstream muon and pion beamlines are discussed. In addition, a typical muSR beamline with quadruple collection foreseen as starting scheme of the project is also presented.

Working Group WG3 : Accelerator Physics



Presentation materials