25–31 Aug 2019
The Grand Hotel Daegu
Asia/Seoul timezone

Hadron Production Measurements from interactions of 60 GeV/$c$ $\pi^+$ with Carbon and Beryllium with NA61/SHINE

27 Aug 2019, 15:00
Regency Hall (LL/B1F) (The Grand Hotel Daegu)

Regency Hall (LL/B1F)

The Grand Hotel Daegu

Oral Presentation Working Group 2


Scott Robert Johnson (University of Colorado Boulder (US))


In 2016, NA61/SHINE, a fixed target experiment at the CERN SPS, recorded interactions of 60 GeV/$c$ $\pi^+$ with thin carbon and beryllium targets. Three analyses were performed to measure total cross sections and doubly differential cross sections of produced hadrons. A total cross section analysis was used to determine the total production and total inelastic cross sections for the two reactions. A V0 analysis was used to measure spectra of the produced neutral hadrons: $K^0_S$, $\Lambda$ and $\bar{\Lambda}$. Finally, a dE/dx analysis was used to measure spectra of the produced charged hadrons: $\pi^+$, $\pi^-$, $K^+$, $K^-$ and protons. These measurements will allow NO$\nu$A, DUNE and other neutrino experiments to constrain their neutrino flux predictions and make more precise measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters.

Working Group WG1 : Neutrino Oscillation Physics


Scott Robert Johnson (University of Colorado Boulder (US))

Presentation materials