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- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
The experimental programs at the LHC, in particular ALICE and LHCb, probe a regime of high energy physics that is dominated by QCD effects. Flavor anomalies, exotic hadrons, as well as the transport properties and electromagnetic emission of the Quark-Gluon Plasma, are all observations that cannot be understood without a non-perturbative handle. At the same time, these are problems where the dependence on real time is of fundamental importance. However, methods to theoretically access them are often limited to the study of observables with Euclidean signature, e.g. provided by lattice QFT, through their spectral density of states.
In this workshop we will discuss methods to study the spectral density of states in zero- and finite-temperature QCD and how both fields can benefit from each other. Bringing together experts from all involved areas to discuss and openly address the technical and conceptual aspects of the currently available approaches we hope to garner fruitful exchange and to build bridges between these communities for the exploration of new directions in extracting the real-time information hidden in Euclidean-time observables provided in particular from lattice QCD.
Topics :
Foundations of analytic continuation from imaginary to real-time
Numerical methods for lattice spectral function reconstruction
Finite volume methods for spectral properties
Scattering from lattice QCD in the vacuum
Perturbative spectral functions and lattice QCD
Spectral functions through imaginary-momentum calculations
Effective formulations of observables with improved continuation properties
Methods for vacuum subtraction or evaluation of in-medium spectral functions
Organisers : Anthony Francis (CERN), Jacopo Ghiglieri (CERN)