AD Electron Cooler Consolidation Review

774/R-013 (CERN)



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The AD electron cooler main components were originally built for the ICE electron cooler in the 1970's, were later used for the LEAR electron coolers and finally reassembled in a shorter version at AD.

The main objective this review is to present the current status of the AD cooler and show a plan for its consolidation and renewal. The review will report its conclusions to the LHC Injector and Experimental Facilities Committee (IEFC).

Review Panel

Mike Lamont (BE-HDO, Chair), Henric Wilkens (EP-ADE), Rende Steerenberg (BE-OP), Richard Scrivens (BE-ABP), Diego Perini (EN-MME), Christian Carli (BE-ABP)

Scientific secretary: Adriana Rossi (BE-BI) | G. Tranquille (AD Electron Cooler Project Leader)

Date and Place: 26th March at CERN (774-R-013).


Review charges:

  • Is the case for a complete replacement of the AD electron cooler solid in the context of the long term future of the antiproton facilities at CERN?
  • Are the specifications clear & attainable?
  • Do the mitigation measures put in place guarantee a low risk of failure until deployment of the new cooler?
  • Is the planning optimised and realistic?
  • Is the budget required assigned and correctly profiled?
  • Are the resources required from other Groups confirmed?