Readout and Trigger Electronics for the Triple-GEM Detectors of the CMS GE2/1 System

5 Sept 2019, 16:55
Poster Optoelectronics and Links Posters


Mr Mikhail Matveev (Rice University)


Triple-GEM has been adopted for the GE2/1 upgrade of the forward 
muon detector at CMS for the High Luminosity LHC. GE2/1 chambers are segmented in 4 modules. Each module is equipped with the Optohybrid (OH) interfaced to 12 VFAT3 ASICs. The OH uses GBTs for the readout path and is equipped with a Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA for the trigger data processing.

In this presentation we report on our initial developments of the GE2/1 electronics.
We also discuss the hardware, firmware and software developments, results of measurements with the first 
demonstrator and outline our production plans.


Triple-GEM technology has been adopted for the upgrade of the forward muon detector system at CMS for the future
High-Luminosity phase of the Large Hardon Collider (LHC).
GE2/1 subdetector comprises 72 chambers that will be installed after the second LHC Long Shutdown. The main goal of these chambers is to improve muon momentum
measurements and triggering capabilities in the 1.6 < |η| < 2.4 pseudo-rapidity region. GE2/1 chambers are segmented in 4 modules with 12 sectors in each module, and each
sector is composed of 128 radial strips. The strips are read out by the front-end VFAT3 ASIC. It has 128 channels, each with a charge sensitive preamplifier, shaper and a discriminator. Each module is equipped with the Optohybrid
(OH) board that provides the readout and trigger interfaces for 12 VFAT3 ASIC. The OH board uses CERN designed GigaBit Transceivers (GBT) for the readout path. VFAT3 ASICs also provide trigger information that allows OH to build trigger clusters using Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA and transmit them to the back-end Trigger Processor and to the local Cathode Strip Chamber Trigger Motherboard to improve local trigger
efficiency at an early stage of the trigger processing. The back-end electronics will use the ATCA Trigger Processor farm; it will send the data to the Endcap Muon Track
Finder and to the CMS DAQ system.
In this presentation we report on our initial developments of the GE2/1 electronics: the VFAT3 pluggable cards: the Readout (ROB) and GEM Electronic (GEB) boards; and
the OH board. Initial tests of all electronics components with the GE2/1 prototype chamber have been successfully performed in 2019 at CERN. We discuss the hardware,
firmware and software developments, results of measurements with the first demonstrator and outline our production plans.


Mr Mikhail Matveev (Rice University)

Presentation materials