12:20 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Angelo Rivetti
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
(until 3:15 PM)
(Aula magna)
2:00 PM
Development of RD50-MPW2: a high-speed monolithic HV-CMOS prototype chip within the CERN-RD50 collaboration
Chenfan Zhang
(University of Liverpool (GB), FBK (IT))
(Aula magna)
2:25 PM
Continuous Integration of FPGA Designs and Automation of the Development Environment
Robert Glein
(University of Colorado Boulder (US))
(Aula magna)
2:50 PM
The analog readout channel for the Si(Li) tracker of the GAPS experiment
Elisa Riceputi
(University of Bergamo)
(Aula magna)
2:00 PM
Radiation Tolerant Components and Systems
Ping Gui
(Southern Methodist University (US))
(until 2:25 PM)
(Aula de bioloxía)
2:00 PM
Effects Of Gamma Irradiation On Leakage Current In CMOS Readout Chips For Atlas Upgrades Silicon Strip Tracker
Guy Rosin
(University of Massachusetts (US))
(Aula de bioloxía)
2:25 PM
Optoelectronics and Links
Francois Vasey
(until 3:15 PM)
(Aula de bioloxía)
2:25 PM
TCLink: A Timing Compensated High-Speed Optical Link for the HL-LHC experiments
Eduardo Brandao De Souza Mendes
(Aula de bioloxía)
2:50 PM
A Precision Pure Clock Distribution System
Roger Rusack
(University of Minnesota (US))
(Aula de bioloxía)
3:15 PM
--- Coffee break ---
3:45 PM
(until 4:30 PM)
(Aula magna)
3:45 PM
Using advanced SoCs at the CERN experiments and accelerator
Marc Dobson
(Aula magna)
4:30 PM
Optoelectronics and Links
Francois Vasey
(until 4:55 PM)
(Aula de bioloxía)
4:30 PM
Versatile Link+ Transceiver Production Readiness
Lauri Olantera
(Aula de bioloxía)
4:30 PM
Systems, Planning, Installation, Commissioning and Running Experience
Alex Kluge
(until 5:20 PM)
(Aula magna)
4:30 PM
Module and System Test Development for the Phase-2 ATLAS ITk Pixel Upgrade
Lingxin Meng
(Aula magna)
4:55 PM
The APOLLO ATCA Platform
Robert Glein
(University of Colorado Boulder (US))
Eric Shearer Hazen
(Boston University (US))
(Aula magna)
4:55 PM
Optoelectronics and Links
Francois Vasey
(until 5:20 PM)
(Aula de bioloxía)
5:20 PM
(until 6:50 PM)
5:20 PM
20 Mrad-TID Effects on Time over Threshold performance of GEMINI chip
Luca Mangiagalli
(University of Milano-Bicocca)
5:20 PM
A custom FPGA mezzanine card for crosstalk measurements of low-mass cables for the high luminosity upgrade of the ATLAS Pixel detector.
Katherine Dunne
(University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
5:20 PM
A High Speed Programmable Analog-to-Digital Conversion System Based On System in Package
- Mr
Ruyi Jin
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
5:20 PM
A Monitoring 12-bits Fully Differential Second Order Incremental Delta Sigma Converter ADC for TimePIx4
Raimon Casanova Mohr
(The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) (ES))
5:20 PM
A Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor for CEPC vertex detector
- Mr
Tianya Wu
(IFAE,Spain &CCNU,China)
5:20 PM
Jimmy Jeglot
(CNRS IN2P3 LAL Orsay)
5:20 PM
A SiPM Readout Front-end with Fast Pulse Generation and Successive-Approximation Register ADC
Yuxuan Tang
(University of Houston)
5:20 PM
ALTIROC2, a readout ASIC for the High Granularity Timing Detector in ATLAS
Raimon Casanova Mohr
(The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) (ES))
5:20 PM
Analog front-end characterization of the RD53A chip
Natalia Emriskova
(Universite de Strasbourg (FR))
5:20 PM
CATIA: APD readout ASIC for the CMS phase 2 ECAL electronics upgrade
Olivier Gevin
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
CMS collaboration CMS collaboration
5:20 PM
COLDATA Architecture, Design and Verification
James Hoff
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
5:20 PM
Control and Monitoring for a serially powered pixel demonstrator for the ATLAS Phase-II upgrade
Clara Troncon
(Milano Universita e INFN (IT))
5:20 PM
Design of Finite State Machines for SRAM-based FPGAs operated in radiation field
Matteo Lupi
(CERN / Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
5:20 PM
Design of the Back end card for the JUNO experiment
- Dr
Yifan Yang
5:20 PM
Development of a high bandwidth PCIe card for the ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade and DUNE experiment
Kai Chen
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
5:20 PM
EureKA-Maru: an ATCA board for the CMS Phase 2 Tracker Upgrade with centralized slow control and board management solution based on a Zynq Ultrascale+ System-on-Chip
Luis Ardila
5:20 PM
FAST: a front-end readout ASIC for a 30 ps time resolution with 6 pF UFSD sensors
- Dr
Federico Fausti
(INFN Torino (IT))
5:20 PM
GE1/1 Sustained Operations Investigations
Elizabeth Rose Starling
(Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium))
5:20 PM
Innovative and Expandable Physical Implementation Method for High-Speed Triple Modular Redundant Digital Integrated Circuits in Radiation-Hard Designs
Bjorn Van Bockel
5:20 PM
Low-power SEE hardening techniques and error rate evaluation in 65nm readout ASICs
Alessandro Caratelli
5:20 PM
LpGBT Tester: an FPGA based test system for the lpGBT ASIC
Julian Maxime Mendez
5:20 PM
Multi-threaded TCP hardware stack for pixel detector readout on 10 Gigabit Ethernet
- Dr
Jie Zhang
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
5:20 PM
New Quench Detection System to Enhance Protection of the Individually Powered Magnets in the Large Hadron Collider
Severin Haas
5:20 PM
Overview of Electronics Developed by ISE for the European Spallation Source Project
- Mr
Igor Rutkowski
(Institute of Electronic Systems, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)
5:20 PM
Processing of the Liquid Xenon Calorimeter’s Signals for Timing Measurements
- Mr
Leonid Epshteyn
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
5:20 PM
Proton-Induced Radiation Effects in MAROC3, a full readout 0.35 µm SiGe ASIC
- Dr
Lucian Nicolae Cojocariu
5:20 PM
Qualification of the final LHCb VELO electronics
- Dr
Edgar Lemos Cid
(IGFAE, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES), CERN)
5:20 PM
Radiation damage of Silicon Photomultipliers by irradiated fast neutrons
- Mr
Bogdan Topko
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
5:20 PM
RD53A chip susceptibility to electromagnetic conducted noise
Alvaro Pradas Luengo
(Aragon Institute of Technology (ES))
5:20 PM
Readiness of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter link daughterboard for the High Luminosity LHC era
Eduardo Valdes Santurio
(Stockholm University (SE))
5:20 PM
Test results of a Flexible Printed Circuit for the ATLAS High Granularity Timing Detector
Maria Robles Manzano
(Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE))
5:20 PM
The ETROC Project: ASIC development for CMS Endcap Timing Layer (ETL) upgrade
- Dr
Tiehui Ted Liu
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
5:20 PM
The eTx line driver and the eRx line receiver: two building blocks for data and clock transmission using the CLPS standard
Di Guo
(Southern Methodist University)
5:20 PM
The Firmware for the European Spallation Source Cavity Simulator
Maciek Grzegrzółka
(Institute of Electronic Systems, Warsaw University of Technology)
5:20 PM
The first ASIC prototype of a 28 nm time-space front-end electronics for real-time tracking
- Mr
Lorenzo Piccolo
(Politecnico and INFN Torino)
5:20 PM
The hardware demonstrator of the Phase II ATLAS Level-0 MDT Trigger processor
- Dr
Davide Cieri
(Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik (DE))
5:20 PM
The powering concept of the CBM Silicon Tracking System
- Dr
Piotr Koczon
5:20 PM
The VRP - a Versatile Readout Platform for the nuclear experiments at HIRFL-CSR
- Prof.
Chengxin Zhao
(Institute of Modern Physics, CAS)
5:20 PM
Triggering on electrons, photons, tau leptons, jets and energy sums with the CMS Level-1 trigger
Santeri Henrikki Laurila
(Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
5:20 PM
Triple-Modular Redundancy Deployment Optimization in the Sensor Readout System of the CBM Micro Vertex Detector
5:20 PM
Upgrade of the ATLAS TileCal High Voltage system
Agostinho Da Silva Gomes
(LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Part)
5:20 PM
VMM3a, an ASIC for tracking detectors
Christos Bakalis
(National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))