This work develops a 3-Dimensional trench electrode (3D-Trench-Electrode) Si micro-nano detector with micron separation in electrodes and sub-micron (nano) electrode sizes for applications in extremely harsh radiation environments. Such extreme environments include CERN’s Large Hadron Collide (LHC), nuclear explosion or radiation sites, and in deep space. The target total radiation fluence (or dose) is 1x1016 neq/cm2 (neq = 1 MeV neutron equivalent) and higher.
For the 3D-Trench-Electrode Si micro-nano detector, we use a cylindrical symmetry the one dimensional Poisson equation to obtain detector electric potential and field in a cylindrical coordinate [1] .
In this work, we calculated the detector induced current and collected charges for a detector irradiated to various neutron fluences up to the extremely high value of 1x1017/neq/cm2. We compare these results with those for conventional planar (2D) Si detectors to evaluate the radiation hardness of the 3D-Trench-Electrode Si micro-nano detector.
For a 3D-Trench-Electrode Si micro-nano detector with a cylinder outer diameter of R = 5 m irradiated to a fluence of 1x1017/neq/cm2, the induced current decrease somewhat. In fact, the charge collection efficiency (CCE) is now about 70.8%, about 31% reduction. However, as compared to that of an irradiated 2D planar detector with <1% in at 1x1017/neq/cm2 [2], it is indeed ultra radiation hard. The charge collection times are 32.1 ps and 11.3 ps for electrons and holes, respectively.
its CCE is over 95% at 1x1016/neq/cm2.
Submission declaration | Original and unpublished |