25–27 Sept 2019
Jussieu campus of Sorbonne University, Paris, France
Europe/Paris timezone

Effective electroweak baryogenesis

26 Sept 2019, 15:45
Amphi Charpak (Jussieu campus of Sorbonne University, Paris, France)

Amphi Charpak

Jussieu campus of Sorbonne University, Paris, France

Jussieu campus, Paris


Dr Marieke Postma (nikhef)


In electroweak baryogenesis the baryon asymmetry of the universe is created during a first-order electroweak phase transtion. The scenario requires new physics at the electroweak scale, in particular an extended Higgs sector and new sources of CP violation, which can be tested experimentally. It would be advantageous if the crucial aspects of the various models can be tested in a single framework. In this talk I will discuss what ingredients are needed for an effective production of baryons, and whether this can be tested in a model-independent way using effective field theory methods.


Dr Marieke Postma (nikhef)


Jordy de Vries (Nikhef) Graham White (Monash University) jorinde van de vis (nikhef)

Presentation materials