Geant4 is the main software tool for the simulation of calorimeter response.
In this work we report recent developments of Geant4 physics models, which
will be available in the coming version 10.6, scheduled for December 2019.
The main directions of Geant4 developments will be discussed: improvements
of physics model accuracy, technical modifications to increase CPU performance,
and user interface extensions. It is expected that, due to these developments,
the responses of electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters will be slightly
affected; validation results from thin-target benchmarks as well as for calorimeter
benchmarks will be shown. We will present new features that allow to speed up
the simulation and provide recommendations to users on how they may optimize
the simulations of their detectors using the new Geant4 interfaces. We will also
discuss the role of Birks corrections on the simulation of calorimeter response.