13–18 Apr 2020
UZ Obergurgl
Europe/Zurich timezone

The CP nature of the Higgs top Yukawa coupling

Not scheduled
UZ Obergurgl

UZ Obergurgl

University Center Obergurgl Gaisbergweg 5 6456 Obergurgl Austria


Henning Bahl (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)


While the CP nature of the Higgs vector-boson interaction has already been tightly constrained, the CP properties of the Higgs top Yukawa coupling are still comparably unexplored. In this talk, we report on a fit of a general top Yukawa model to all relevant LHC measurements. In addition to modifying the Higgs top-quark interaction, we also allow for new physics contributions to the couplings of the Higgs boson to photons, gluons, and massive vector bosons. We find that the current data still allows a sizeable CP-odd Higgs top Yukawa coupling.


Henning Bahl (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)


Georg Ralf Weiglein (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Judith Katzy (DESY, HAMBURG) Krisztian Peters (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Matthias Saimpert (CERN) Philip Bechtle (University of Bonn (DE)) Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Madrid, ES)) Dr Tim Stefaniak (DESY) Tobias Klingl (University of Bonn (DE))

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