7–9 Nov 2019
Universidad de Medellin - Colombia
America/Bogota timezone

Design of a SiPM Signal Conditioning System for the DUNE Photon Detection System

Not scheduled
Building 11 (Universidad de Medellin - Colombia)

Building 11

Universidad de Medellin - Colombia



Mr Diego Aranda (Facultad de Ingenieria - Universidad Nacional de Asuncion)


In this work we study the design of three stages used to read and amplifly the signals coming from 48 SiPM detectors connected in parallel. In the pre amplification stage, the charge integrator circuit and the trans-amplifier circuit are proposed, in the addition stage, a simple adder circuit; and, in the final stage, a low pass Sallen Key filter. A circuit analysis of the stages was done taking into account the different noise sources, obtaining their respective tranfer functions in order to simulate the behavior of system. Finally, a set of values that meets the system requirements was found and a comparison beetween the circuits perfomances of the pre amplification stage was done.


Mr Diego Aranda (Facultad de Ingenieria - Universidad Nacional de Asuncion)


Mr Carlos B. Montiel (Facultad de Ingenieria - Univesidad Nacional de Asuncion)

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