7–9 Nov 2019
Universidad de Medellin - Colombia
America/Bogota timezone

A modern fit of the electroweak parameters from all the available low energy $\nu_\mu$-hadron scattering data

Not scheduled
Building 11 (Universidad de Medellin - Colombia)

Building 11

Universidad de Medellin - Colombia



Laura Muñoz (Univer)


We present an updated fit of the model independent electroweak~(EW) parameters by using all the available low energy data for neutrino scattering from nuclei. For the theoretical expressions we make use of the CTQ10 set of Parton Distribution Functions~(PDFs) taking into account the corresponding uncertainties coming from the charm mass and the PDF parameters. We find that that these uncertainties have an sizable effect in determining EW parameters.


Laura Muñoz (Univer) Dario Botina (Universidad de Nariño) Haminton Solarte Eduardo Rojas Mr Luis Rozo (Universidad de Nariño)

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