Hadronic interactions of the Y-meson

Not scheduled


Oral report Section 4. Relativistic nuclear physics, elementary particle physics and high-energy physics. Will not participate


Dr Alexandra Friesen (Joint Institute for Nuclear Reaserch)


We calculate the cross sections for reactions of the Y-meson with light mesons. We use effective Lagrangians to calculate the production cross section and also the absorption cross section in the corresponding inverse processes. We considered a mesonic formfactor scheme for the introduction of formfactors for the SU(5) chiral meson Lagrangian approach to the Y breakup cross sections by pion and rho meson impact. The obtained cross sections are used as input to solve the rate equation which allows us to follow the time evolution of the multiplicity. The relevance of our study to heavy ion collisions is discussed.


Dr Alexandra Friesen (Joint Institute for Nuclear Reaserch) Prof. Yuri Kalinovsky (Joint Institute For Nuclear Research)

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