[Русская версия ниже]
Dear participants!
Poster session will be held via Zoom in the format of answering questions. Each speaker will have five minutes to answer questions from other participants. So we highly encourage you to get acquanted with posters in advance and prepare questions!
Reports are divided into sections and days of the week (see below). Click on the section and day you are interested in, and you will see a list of reports presented on that day. In order to get acquainted with the report you are interested in, click on the title of the report.Then scroll down the abstract and in the block "Presentation materials" find files of presentation that you can download.
Уважаемые участники конференции!
Стендовая сессия будет проходить через Zoom в формате ответов на вопросы. У каждого докладчика будет пять минут, чтобы ответить на вопросы других участников. Поэтому настоятельно рекомендуем заранее ознакомиться с плакатами и подготовить вопросы!
Доклады разбиты по секциям и дням недели (см. ниже). Кликните на интересующую Вас секцию и день, и вы увидите список докладов, представленных в этот день. Для того, чтобы ознакомится с интересующим Вас докладом, щелкните по названию доклада. У вас откроется страница с тезисом данного доклада. Пролистайте ее вниз до раздела «Presentation materials» и загрузите материалы доклада на свой компьютер.
Poster session 1: Experimental and theoretical studies of the properties of atomic nuclei.
Part 1. Tuesday, October 13, 18:35 - 19:35 (Msk)
Part 2. Wednesday, October 14, 18:10 - 19:10 (Msk)
Poster session 2: Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions
Part 1. Tuesday, October 13, 18:35 - 19:35 (Msk)
Part 2. Wednesday, October 14, 18:10 - 19:10 (Msk)
Part 3. Thursday, October 15, 18:15 - 19:15 (Msk)
Poster session 3: Modern nuclear physics methods and technologies
Part 1. Tuesday, October 13, 18:35 - 19:35 (Msk)
Part 2. Wednesday, October 14, 18:10 - 19:10 (Msk)
Part 3. Thursday, October 15, 18:15 - 19:15 (Msk)
Part 4. Thursday, October 15, 18:15 - 19:15 (Msk)
Poster session 4: Relativistic nuclear physics, elementary particle physics and high-energy physics
Part 1. Tuesday, October 13, 18:35 - 19:35 (Msk)
Part 2. Wednesday, October 14, 18:10 - 19:10 (Msk)
Poster session 5: Mixed poster session (Nuclear astrophysics, nuclear physical methods in the study of cultural heritage, Modern nuclear physics methods and technologies)
Wednesday, October 14, 18:10 - 19:10 (Msk)
Poster session 6: Mixed poster session (Modern nuclear physics methods and technologies, Plasma physics and thermonuclear fusion, Synchrotron and neutron studies and infrastructure for their implementation, Nuclear medicine)