Properties of ultramagnetized atomic nuclei relevant for supernovae, neutron star mergers, magnetar crusts and heavy-ion collisions are analyzed. Nuclear magnetic reactivity of Zeeman type is shown to dominate for field strengths below ten teratesla. Respective linear magnetic response is given as a combined reactivity of valent (outer shell) nucleons and can be described in terms of nuclear...
A mean-field and interaction in the particle-hole (p-h) channel are the input quantities for any RPA-based approach to describing Gamow-Teller Resonance and its overtone – Isovector Giant Spin-Monopole Resonance in the $\beta^{(−)}$ -channel (GTR and IVGSMR$^{(−)})$ , respectively). The recent example of such an approach is given in Ref. [1], where main properties of mentioned resonances in...
Structuring the volumes of nuclei and the complex topology of their surfaces, along with attractive nuclear forces, in certain conditions, electromagnetic forces manifest themselves more significantly. At the line of the stability path of exotic nuclides, these forces begin to prevail.
In this paper, we describe the mechanism of interaction of nucleons in the nucleus volume as the interaction...
The isotopic spin in light and medium nuclei is a quantum number that serves to identify the ground and excited states and it is conserved in various nuclear processes. To verify this statement, we considered nucleon decays in the odd nuclei of the 1$p$-shell with isospin $T = 3/2$. By the magnitude of the widths $\Gamma$ of the decaying states, they can be classified into 2 groups. In $^7$Li,...
Correct accounting for residual NN-interaction between valence particles is of utmost importance for structure interpretation of deformed odd-odd nuclei. This interaction manifests itself in such effects as the Gallagher-Moszkowski (GM) splitting of two-quasiparticle doublets, the Newby shift of odd-even spin value levels in K=0 rotational bands, as well as the $\Delta$K=0 mixing of rotational...
We study the form of the structure functions connected to the zero sound excitations in the symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter (ANM). The density response $\Pi(\omega,k)$ (the retarded polarization operator) of ANM to the small external field $V_0(\omega,k)= \tau_{z}e^{i\vec q\vec r -i(\omega+i\eta)t}$ is considered. The structure function $S(\omega,k)$ is defined as $S(\omega,k) =...
An application of Glauber theory of multiple scattering to calculation of differential cross sections and polarizing characteristics of particles scattering on light nuclei took an important place in research activity of E.T.Ibraeva. All calculations were carried out in the framework of reliable spectroscopic approach to nuclear reactions. Its essence is in use of nuclear models reproducing...
The wave functions of the ground states of few-body nuclei ${}^{10,11}$B, ${}^{10,11}$C were calculated by Feynman’s continual integrals method in Euclidean time [1–3]. The algorithm of parallel calculations was implemented in C++ programming language using NVIDIA CUDA technology [4]. Calculations were performed on the NVIDIA Tesla K40 accelerator installed within the heterogeneous cluster of...
Приведены первые результаты новых экспериментов по исследованию полных ядерных сечений фотопоглощения в области пигми резонанса (от 5 до 10 МэВ), выполненных на ЛУЭ-8-5 ИЯИ РАН. Начало экспериментов стало возможным после выполнения методических работ по модернизации ускорителя и системы формирования гамма пучка. Описан метод полного фотопоглощения, который ранее использовался в области...