On the Covariant Description of the Elastic Scattering of Longitudinally Polarized Leptons by Half-Integer Spin Nuclei

14 Oct 2020, 18:10


Poster report Section 4. Relativistic nuclear physics, elementary particle physics and high-energy physics. Poster session 4 (part 2)


Minikhan Safin


In [1], in the framework of a general approach to the covariant description of
the structure of half-integer spin nuclei, analytical expressions were found for
the multipole expansion of the structure functions, entering into the
differential cross section for elastic scattering of longitudinally polarized
$ \frac{{d\sigma }}{{d\Omega }} = {\sigma _{Mott}}\left\{ {{W_1} + 2t{g^2}\frac{\theta }{2}{W_2} - \zeta \tau \left[ {\frac{M}{E} + \left( {1 + \frac{M}{E}} \right)t{g^2}\frac{\theta }{2}} \right]{W_4}} \right\}. $
In the effective current approximation, valid for high energies $E > > {m_l}$
of the scattered lepton, structure functions ${W_k}$ depend upon $\tau = - {{{q^2}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{q^2}} {4{M^2}}}} \right. } {4{M^2}}}$, lepton helicity $\zeta $, and
electromagnetic and weak nucleus form factors, and lepton electroweak constants.
In this work using Rarita-Schwinger formalism to describe [2] nuclei with
half-integer spin $J \le 7/2$, we construct explicit expressions for covariant
electromagnetic and weak vertex functions $\Gamma _{em,\;weak}^{\mu {{\left( \alpha \right)}_j}{{\left( \beta \right)}_j}}\;\left( {j = J - 1/2} \right)$,
as well as for the density matrix ${\Lambda _{{{\left( \alpha \right)}_j}{{\left( \beta \right)}_j}}}$ of an unpolarized nucleus state. Then,
using multipole expansion technique in the Breit zero energy transfer system, we
consider traditional multipole form factors -- vector ${F_{Cl}}(\tau )\;\left( {l = 0,2,\;...\;2J - 1} \right)$ and ${F_{Ml}}(\tau )\;\left( {l = 1,\;3,\;...\;2J} \right)$, as well as axial ${F_{5El}}(\tau )$ and ${F_{5Ll}}(\tau )\;\left( {l = 1,\;3,\;...\;2J} \right)$ -- and get expressions for them through the covariant
form factors of the vertex functions $F_E^{(n)}(\tau ),\;F_M^{(n)}(\tau ),\;G_1^{(n)}(\tau )$ and $g_E^{(n)}(\tau ),\;g_M^{(n)}(\tau ),\;g_A^{(n)}(\tau )$.
Then we obtain and discuss expressions for the right-left asymmetry ${A_{RL}}$,
as well as the spin correlations of transversely polarized incident and scattered
leptons. We show, that elastic scattering is helicity conserving due to smallness
of the lepton mass, and right-left asymmetry contains contribution from anapole
moment of the target, whereas transverse correlations arise only with
simultaneous polarization of incident and scattered leptons.

  1. M.Ya.Safin. Izv. Russ. Akad. Nauk, Ser. Fiz., 2020, vol. 84, no. 4, p. 527.
  2. Yu.P.Bogdanov, B.K.Kerimov, M.Ya.Safin. Izv. Acad. Sci. SSSR. Ser.Fiz. 1980.
    vol. 44. no. 11. p. 2337; Izv. Acad. Sci. SSSR. Ser. Fiz. 1983. vol. 47. no. 1.
    p. 103.


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