First data on the high pt cumulative K+/- and anti-proton particles produced at angle of 40 deg. (lab.syst.) in proton-nucleus interaction are presented. The anti-proton, pion and K-meson inclusive cross-sections in proton interactions with C, Al, Cu and W targets at 50 GeV/c were investigated. The available pt range 0.6 < pt <2.7 GeV/c exceeds free proton – nucleon kinematic limit (2.3 GeV/c for pions). It was found that within the experimental error the anti-p /pi- ratio is the same for all targets at all values of the particle momentum. Although the K+ /K- ratio is the same for all used nuclei, however it was turned out that anti-p/K depends on target. The data indicate substantial contribution of the multiparton processes in the cumulative meson and anti-p production. K/pi and anti-p/pi ratios behavior is qualitatively similar to the data from very high energy experiments like ALICE, STAR etc. The experimental data were obtained at the IHEP U-70 accelerator at SPIN setup.