Phonon-exchange nuclear interactions in the theory of nuclear polarizability.

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Oral report Section 1. Experimental and theoretical studies of the properties of atomic nuclei. Will not participate


Mr Mikhail Shitov (National Research Center Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia.)


![Fig. 1 Phonon-exchange interactions between nucleons. The rectangle means the effective interaction F of Landau-Migdal. Straight and wavy lines correspond to single-particle and phonon Green functions, circles with a wavy line stand for the amplitude of phonon production g.][1]

The phonon-exchange nuclear interactions (see Fig.1) are investigated and compared to the effective interaction F of Landau-Migdal. They have been obtained in order to consistently take into account the phonon coupling in the equation for the effective field, which determines nuclear polarizability. This generalization of the self-consistent theory of finite Fermi systems considers only complex 1p1hxphonon configurations. The interactions shown in Fig.1 contain the interaction F and square of the phonon creation amplitude g. They have very similar structures and, at the first sight, they should be comparable to each other. Since 1983 [1], the first graph has been always considered within the Green function method in the known “time blocking approximation” [2] including the latest articles (for example, see [3]). The other graphs are new. The contributions of these phonon-exchange nuclear interactions to the characteristics of M1 resonance in 208Pb are estimated.

  1. S. Kamerdzhiev, Sov.J. Nucl. Phys. 38, 188 (1983).
  2. V. Tselyaev, Sov. J. Nucl.Phys. 50, 780 (1989).
  3. V. Tselyaev, N. Lyutorovich, J. Speth, and P.-G. Reinhard, Phys.Rev. C, 97, 044308 (2018).

Primary authors

Dr Sergey Kamerdzhiev (National Research Center Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia.) Mr Mikhail Shitov (National Research Center Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia.) Mr Oleg Achakovskiy (Institute for Physics and Power Engineering A.I. Leypunsky, Obninsk, Russia) Mr Dmitri Voitenkov (Research Institute of Structural Graphite Materials, Moscow, Russia )

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