17 Oct 2020, 12:10


Oral report Section 1. Experimental and theoretical studies of the properties of atomic nuclei. Section 1. Experimental and theoretical studies of the properties of atomic nuclei


Tatiana Leonova


The unbound heavy helium isotope $^{9}$He was discovered in pion double charge exchange reaction $^{9}$Be($\pi^{-}$,$\pi^{+}$)$^{9}$He at E$_{\pi}$ = 194 MeV [1]. Despite a significant number of experiments performed to date, the problem of the level structure of $^{9}$He remains open [2, 3]. In particular, the energy and quantum numbers of the ground state are undefined. The studied range of excitation energies is limited to 5 MeV, while the parameters of states lying above 3 MeV do not agree in different works. In this situation, new experimental information is needed to resolve existing contradictions and discover new levels.

In this work a search for $^{9}$He was performed in the reaction of stopped pion absorption $^{11}$B($\pi^{-}$,$pp$)X. The experiment was taken at low energy pion channel of LANL with two-arm multilayer semiconductor spectrometer. In these measurements missing mass resolution was 1 MeV and error of absolute energy calibration did not exceed 0.1 MeV. These values were determined from measurements of the reaction $^{10}$B($\pi^{-}$,$pp$)$^{8}$He carried out in the same experimental run. The studied excitation energy ranges up to about 50 MeV.

In these measurements we do not observed $s$-wave resonance just above threshold in $^{9}$He. The lowest lying state in our measurements has the following resonant parameters: E$_{r}$ =1.3(3) MeV and $\Gamma \leq$ 0.5 MeV, which are in agreement with a number of experiments [2, 3]. Highly excited state with E$_{r}$ =10.5(2) MeV and $\Gamma$ = 1.5(5) MeV has been observed for the first time.

  1. K.K.Seth et al. // Phys. Rev. Lett. 1987. V.58. P. 1931.
  2. I.Tanihata, H.Savajols, and R. Kanungo // Progr. Part. Nucl. Phys. 2013. V. 68. P. 215.
  3. H.T.Fortune // EPJA 2018, V. 54. P. 51.


Dr Boris Chernyshev (National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI") Yurii Gurov (National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”) Tatiana Leonova Vyacheslav Sandukovskii (National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”) Schurenkova Schurenkova (National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”)

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