The real observed excitation spectrum of deformed nuclei is complex and contains levels having both a rotational nature and levels arising from collective vibrations. The collective spectra of atomic nuclei with axial-symmetry quadrupole and octupole deformations are characterized by rotational bands with alternating parity.
Earlier energy sequences with alternating parity of deformed axial-symmetry even-even nuclei described within a collective model with non- adiabatically coupled quadrupole and octupole degrees of freedom. Satisfactorily reproduced the structure of the yrast and first non-yrast alternating-parity sequences in the rare-earth nuclei ${}^{150}$Nd, ${}^{152,154}$Sm, ${}^{154,156,158}$Gd, ${}^{156}$Dy, ${}^{162,164}$Er and the actinides ${}^{224}$Ra, ${}^{228}$Th, ${}^{232;234;236;238}$U, ${}^{240}$Pu. It should be noted that in the experiments one can observe energy bands, which cannot be explained framework the nuclei models with axially-symmetric multipole deformations. For example, the spectrum of $\gamma$–band energy levels. In present work we are attempt to describe energy spectrum of yrast-, non-yrast- and $\gamma$-bands even-even nuclei framework the model with trixial-asymmetric multipole deformations.